The World's Religions Test | Final Test - Medium

Huston Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The World's Religions Test | Final Test - Medium

Huston Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Jewish concepts appear compared with Hinduism?
(a) In some agreement
(b) In opposition
(c) Incomparable
(d) Identical

2. What is the Jewish view of the God-man relationship?
(a) God is only as eternal as long as man lives.
(b) Man is subject to temptation but God yearns for his soul.
(c) Man is the creator of God who in turn created the world.
(d) God will not see the evil in man, his creation.

3. What comprised the majority of the major prophets' work in Jewish history?
(a) Judging civil cases
(b) Denouncing the misuse of ruling authority
(c) Giving the Jewish Law to the people
(d) Annointing of new kings

4. In Islam, what is the responsibility of the husband of more than one wife?
(a) That he treat each equally
(b) That he keep them in separate houses
(c) That the first wife picks out the second
(d) That he favor the one who bears sons

5. What three major world religions come from Abraham?
(a) Christianity, Existentialism, and Islam
(b) Islam, Judaism, and Christianity
(c) Hinduism, Abramism, and Islam
(d) Islam, Paganism, and Taoism

Short Answer Questions

1. To the aboriginal, what is the purpose of the ancestors?

2. When did the Christian church become the official religion in Rome?

3. What is the term used by the Australian aborigines for the mystical realm of spirit?

4. What was the avowed purpose of Jesus?

5. What is the main thing gleaned from reading the Tao Te Ching?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do the Australian aborigines view the spiritual realm?

2. What was the good news of Jesus and how was it circulated?

3. How did the Roman Catholic church view itself from the time it became the official religion of Rome?

4. Why does Huston Smith not go into any kind of comparison of the religions he writes about in the book?

5. What does Huston Smith see as the only possible solution for the world today?

6. What about religions other than the historical religions from Confucianism to Christianity?

7. What is the best question that should be asked about religion?

8. Briefly describe the origins of Islam.

9. What is the unique characteristic of primal oral religions?

10. Is it exact to say that primal religions are all polytheistic?

(see the answer keys)

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