The World's Religions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Huston Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The World's Religions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Huston Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the guidelines for right conduct in Buddhism resemble?
(a) The Boy Scout Code
(b) The Pledge of Allegiance
(c) The Bill of Rights
(d) The Ten Commandments

2. What is the Hindu attitude toward other religions?
(a) They are misguided.
(b) They will one day turn to Hinduism.
(c) They are headed for different ends.
(d) They are alternate paths toward the same goal.

3. What historical event occurred just as Confucius began teaching?
(a) The arrival of Marco Polo
(b) The collapse of the Chou Dynasty
(c) The birth of Mohammed
(d) The Peloponnesian War

4. What was the conflict of Confucius' teaching and the mood of the times?
(a) Confucius taught family tradition in a time when individualism was on the rise.
(b) Confucius taught pacifism at a time when wars were increasing.
(c) Confucius taught frugality at a time of extravagance.
(d) Confucius taught democracy at a time when feudalism was flourishing.

5. What does the first signpost of the Path of Renunciation which reads "the community" offer the individual?
(a) It offers membership in a larger family.
(b) It offers political opportunity to gain more personal power.
(c) It offers a better way to get what you want.
(d) It offers more lasting value than the self-centered desires of human nature.

6. What happened to Confucius texts?
(a) They were kept secret for 1,000 years.
(b) They were lost and handed down only verbally.
(c) They were destroyed by Kublai Khan.
(d) They became mandatory disciplines for Chinese government officials.

7. How does Confucianism conflict with the yogi idea of finding God?
(a) Confucius put the individual squarely in the middle of human contact to perfect a social order.
(b) Confucius said finding God was impossible unless one became a hermit.
(c) Confucius taught that only through self analysis could one ever find God.
(d) Confucius believed that it takes two or three people meditating together to find God.

8. What did the Buddha write during his lifetime?
(a) Nothing
(b) The Sangha
(c) The Vidas
(d) The Buddhist Bible

9. What is the main departure of Tibetan Buddhism?
(a) It enables achieving nirvana within a single lifetime.
(b) No begging for food
(c) Doing away with monks' robes
(d) Prayer wheels and magic bells

10. What do (1) the brahmin, or seer; (2) the kshatriya, or administrator; (3) the vaishya, or producer; and (4) the shudra, or servant represent?
(a) The stations of life
(b) The levels of education
(c) The highest forms of yoga
(d) The divisions of monks

11. Under what condition does Hinduism allow for self-gratification of the senses?
(a) So long as it is only for spiritual growth
(b) So long as it does not harm others
(c) So long as it benefits society
(d) So long as it does not last long

12. What sense of Taoism has been most successfully exported to the West?
(a) Mystical
(b) Philosophical
(c) Religious
(d) Emphatic

13. What is dharma?
(a) An obstacle to reaching nirvana
(b) A group of monks
(c) The means of crossing the river of ignorance
(d) The Buddhist equivalent of karma

14. What is the Hindu concept of galaxies of finer or courser natures?
(a) These are obstacles to be reasoned out.
(b) These are other life forms in the universe.
(c) These are paths the spirit travels in quest of God.
(d) These are illusions with which man must deal.

15. What is more or less the same in all forms of Buddhism?
(a) The use of elaborate hand gestures to concentrate on prayers.
(b) The idea that enlightenment is impossible to attain.
(c) The theme of a crossing from the sufferings of life to the wisdom of enlightenment.
(d) The rejection of any kind of musical instrument.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the idea of the spirit in Hinduism?

2. How does Hinduism see life?

3. How do Hindus tend to look at Sikhs?

4. How might the rise of Buddhism be compared to the Protestant Reformation?

5. How does Hinduism teach that pain can be endured?

(see the answer keys)

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