The Worldly Philosophers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Worldly Philosophers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year did Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus publish "An Essay on the Principle of Population as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society"?
(a) 1813.
(b) 1776.
(c) 1801.
(d) 1798.

2. Assigning tasks by command to ensure that all necessary tasks are performed is what type of system?
(a) Tradition.
(b) Market.
(c) Religion.
(d) Authority.

3. What are economists considered by the rules of schoolboy history books?
(a) Miracle workers.
(b) Nonentities.
(c) Princes.
(d) Gods.

4. What was the title of Adam Smith's first book?
(a) The Wealth of Nations.
(b) The Theory of Moral Philosophy.
(c) The Theory of Moral Sentiments.
(d) Essay on the Principles of Population.

5. Economists make order out of what, in Helibroner's opinion?
(a) The abyss.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Money.
(d) Social chaos.

6. According to Malthus, the size of the population is limited by what?
(a) Wealth.
(b) Production.
(c) Land.
(d) Food supply.

7. Eventually the market system evolved with its necessary factors of _________ for production. (fill in the blank)
(a) Religion, custom, and authority.
(b) Land, labor, and capital.
(c) Land, factories, and capital.
(d) Traditions.

8. According to Heilbroner, economists changed the world not through __________, but through power of their ideas. (fill in the blank)
(a) Laughter.
(b) Mischief.
(c) Wealth.
(d) Force.

9. Dr. Richard Price felt that the population had declined by how much?
(a) 10%.
(b) 20%.
(c) 30%.
(d) 50%.

10. Heilbroner says through his book, the reader has embarked on _________. (fill in the blank)
(a) A journey through hell.
(b) A journey through history.
(c) A journey to wealth.
(d) A journey to financial wisdom.

11. According to Malthus, how did nature control the resources of the world?
(a) Through death.
(b) Through famine.
(c) Through poverty.
(d) Through war.

12. While in prison, who did Saint-Simone claim appeared to him, telling him to become a philosopher?
(a) Adam Smith.
(b) God.
(c) Charlemagne.
(d) George Washington.

13. What year did the British Labor Movement begin?
(a) 1778.
(b) 1801.
(c) 1776.
(d) 1833.

14. One of the featured economists was never more than what?
(a) A drunk.
(b) An insurance salesman.
(c) A hack.
(d) A traveling salesman.

15. _________ was based on true wealth only being created in agriculture. (fill in the blank)
(a) Laissez-faire.
(b) Agricracy.
(c) Macroeconomics.
(d) Physiocracy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What theory explains that higher wages will call forth more workers because higher wages result in better living conditions and lower mortality figures?

2. _________ is a manner of organizing society so all tasks are performed. (fill in the blank)

3. What kind of survival has man faced from the earliest days on?

4. What is production dependent upon?

5. The followers of Saint-Simone proposed an end to _________. (fill in the blank)

(see the answer keys)

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