The World of Myth Test | Final Test - Easy

David Adams Leeming
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The World of Myth Test | Final Test - Easy

David Adams Leeming
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Leeming say most myths are like in their nature?
(a) Religious.
(b) Artistic.
(c) Political.
(d) Playful.

2. How does Leeming describe Antigone's quest?
(a) As a fulfillment of prophecy.
(b) As an attempt to express her human nature.
(c) As an attempt to repent parental sins.
(d) As a fight against patriarchal culture.

3. Where does Leeming say Moses was called?
(a) The Red Sea.
(b) The desert.
(c) The Holy Land.
(d) Mecca.

4. In Leeming's account, why are temples and cities founded on mountains?
(a) Because they can be defended better there.
(b) Because can see the weather and visitors coming.
(c) Because they gain status when devotees have to bring water and food.
(d) Because they are closest to the Supreme Being there.

5. What does Leeming say the city represents in myth?
(a) Order and law.
(b) Corruption and commerce.
(c) Confusion and society.
(d) Femininity and nourishment.

6. What does Leeming say each place or object has in myth?
(a) Unconscious significance.
(b) Possible significance.
(c) An archetypal significance.
(d) Dual meanings.

7. How does Leeming say Buddha was conceived?
(a) He was conceived first as a snake.
(b) He created himself through his mother's dreams.
(c) He was conceived by the sky god.
(d) He was a normal human baby.

8. What does Leeming say that Galahad found in the Chapel Perilous?
(a) Sir Lancelot and Guinevere.
(b) King Arthur.
(c) A giant.
(d) The Holy Grail.

9. What idea does Leeming say that icons within churches often reinforce?
(a) The idea of inspiration.
(b) The idea of marriage.
(c) The idea of order.
(d) The idea of eternity.

10. What forms does Leeming say the heroes' guides will take?
(a) Nymphs.
(b) Wise men or fairy godmothers.
(c) Animal spirits and stars.
(d) Step-parents or stepsiblings.

11. What tale does Leeming describe as the epitome of the story of the loss of genitals?
(a) The story of Medea.
(b) The story of the Water Jar Boy.
(c) The story of the Argonauts.
(d) The story of Teiresias.

12. What does Leeming say the Bethel stone represents?
(a) The center of the earth.
(b) The origin of life.
(c) The gates of heaven.
(d) The ancestors.

13. Who sent the angel who called Moses to his quest?
(a) Noah.
(b) Jacob.
(c) Yahweh.
(d) Rachel.

14. When was the story of Gilgamesh likely composed?
(a) 1,000 BCE.
(b) 900 CE.
(c) 1,500 BCE.
(d) 2000 BCE.

15. What does Leeming say a monomyth consists of?
(a) Elements that may or may not be acted out by each hero.
(b) A protagonist and an antagonist.
(c) A timeless framework of experiences and triumphs.
(d) A single heroic identity.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened after Moses refused the call to his quest?

2. What does Leeming say the garden, grove, and cave can be ideal places for?

3. What does Leeming say that mountain represents as a sacred place?

4. What element does Leeming say the Water Jar Boy myth contains?

5. What does Leeming say the fall of a city represents in myth?

(see the answer keys)

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