The Woman in White Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Woman in White Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What identifying feature is on the man lurking outside Count Fosco's home?
(a) Albino coloring.
(b) A facial scar.
(c) A tattoo on his forehead.
(d) A long beard.

2. On Walter's visit to Blackwater Park, a man with a carpetbag accuses him of what?
(a) Stealing.
(b) Casing the home.
(c) Poaching.
(d) Trespassing.

3. After her marriage ended, who did Mrs. Catherick refuse money from?
(a) Laura's father.
(b) Mr. Catherick.
(c) Sir Percival.
(d) Count Fosco.

4. When Walter confronts Count Fosco, what does Walter accuse him of?
(a) Cuckolding Countess Fosco.
(b) All of these.
(c) Belonging to a secret society.
(d) Stealing Laura's fortune.

5. Where did Anne walk daily, in her efforts to meet Laura?
(a) To Blackwater and back.
(b) By the lake.
(c) Through the field.
(d) All of these.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Walter notice about the lock on the vestry door?

2. The inn keeper that could document Sir Percival's stay with Laura can be found where?

3. What power does Count Fosco have over Laura, unless she remarries?

4. Following the confrontation with Walter, who follows Count Fosco?

5. What does Walter feel for Marian, when she moves Laura to Gower's Walk?

Short Essay Questions

1. On his visit to Blackwater Park, Walter suspects the man with the carpetbag will attempt what, if given the chance?

2. Why does it matter that Sir Percival's parents were not married?

3. Once Sir Percival is dead and Laura's fortune is gone, why is Walter still committed to proving the fraud of Laura's death?

4. Why does Walter reveal the truth about Anne's death to Mrs. Clements?

5. Count Fosco reveals he was distressed about Anne's death for what reason?

6. What is Walter's emotional state on his cab ride to confront Count Fosco at his home?

7. What surprises Walter when he visits the site of the church fire the following day?

8. Mrs. Catherick comments she only has to do what to her clothes to enter into mourning for Anne?

9. Why might Count Fosco recognize Pesca even though Pesca does not recognize him?

10. Why does Count Fosco react with fear at the sight of Pesca?

(see the answer keys)

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