The Woman in the Window Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Woman in the Window Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Little calls to warn Anna not to follow the second Jane Russell anymore, Anna thinks to herself that Little would make a good what?
(a) Mediator.
(b) Street cop.
(c) Psychiatrist.
(d) Lawyer.

2. What word does Anna say Ethan pronounces as if the word is stepping off "his tongue on stilts, as though unfamiliar to him" (295)?
(a) Academic.
(b) Astronomy.
(c) Delusional.
(d) Agoraphobic.

3. Whom does Anna call just after she is sent a picture of herself sleeeping?
(a) Alistair.
(b) 911.
(c) David.
(d) Little.

4. When Anna looks up at the cliff, at the top of which lies the road, what does she judge to be the cliff's height?
(a) 100 yards.
(b) 20 yards.
(c) 80 yards.
(d) 50 yards.

5. Anna says that the family has crash-landed on a small what jutting from the side of the mountain?
(a) A shelf.
(b) A formation of igneous rock.
(c) An outcropping.
(d) A platform.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what position does the car come to a rest after careening off the cliff in Vermont?

2. At what object was Anna looking when she inadvertently drove off the cliff?

3. To what type of establishment does Anna follow the second Jane Russell?

4. When Lizzie logs back on to the Agora and Anna is able to speak to her, what is NOT one way that Anna says it makes her feel?

5. What type of pills does Anna take before setting out to follow the second Jane Russell?

Short Essay Questions

1. What behaviors does Anna display that demonstrate her familiarity with checking for signs a person may be lying and from what source does this familiarity originate?

2. How does Wesley describe his feelings about Anna when he calls her back?

3. How does Anna figure out that even though the email with the attached picture says it is from Jane Russell, it is not?

4. What is Anna's history with the coffee shop in which she finds the second Jane Russell after following her?

5. What is the weather like during the scene of Anna follows the second Jane Russell and what mood is the weather meant to create?

6. How does the author ensure that the audience realizes the difference between the first Jane Russell, with whom Anna has formed a friendship, and the second Jane Russell, who is introduced to her at the request of the detectives?

7. What does Anna see on David's bedside table that she considers a clue to a link between David and the woman she knows as Jane?

8. What major revelation about her own recent behavior does Anna have when Ed asks her what is going on in the rest of the neighborhood?

9. What does Anna say are the tricks she must use while venturing outside?

10. What is demonstrated about Anna's character through the way she feels about Ethan after he leaves her house and mutters the words, "I'm scared" (285)?

(see the answer keys)

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