The Woman in the Window Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Woman in the Window Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Anna's answer when Little asks her if she had been drinking the night she saw Jane's stabbing?
(a) A little.
(b) None of your business.
(c) No.
(d) A lot.

2. On what day of the week does the novel begin?
(a) Friday.
(b) Monday.
(c) Wednesday.
(d) Sunday.

3. On the ride home from the hospital the day after she witnesses Jane get stabbed, Anna remarks that if it were not for what element, she would scream until the windows shattered?
(a) Her extreme fatigue.
(b) Her grief about Jane.
(c) The drugs.
(d) Ed's calming words.

4. For what purpose does Dr. Fielding call Anna for the first time within the narrative?
(a) To see if her back is feeling better.
(b) To get her updated insurance information.
(c) To tell her that her prescriptions cannot be taken with alcohol.
(d) To see if she is participating in physical therapy regularly.

5. What item does David come into Anna's house in order to borrow?
(a) A letter opener.
(b) A bottle opener.
(c) A box cutter.
(d) A pair of scissors.

6. In what part of the house does Anna say she has spent much of the year?
(a) The kitchen.
(b) Her darkroom.
(c) Her bed.
(d) The rooftop garden.

7. Where does Anna finally find her phone when she is trying to call the police to report Jane's stabbing?
(a) Her bed.
(b) Her couch.
(c) The bathtub.
(d) The bathroom floor.

8. What is a piece of information NOT discovered by Anna during her online investigation of her neighbors, the Millers?
(a) John Miller works near Gramercy Park.
(b) John Miller is a psychotherapist.
(c) The Millers paid $3.6 million for their townhome.
(d) Mrs. Miller's first name is Rita.

9. What feature of her garden does Anna say she longs to hug every so often?
(a) A fountain.
(b) A slide.
(c) A tree.
(d) A merry-go-round.

10. What had Anna been doing when Ed had told her he wanted to tell Olivia then about their coming divorce?
(a) Vacuuming.
(b) Riding the chairlift.
(c) Getting ice.
(d) Eating breakfast.

11. In what unit townhome does Anna live?
(a) 213.
(b) 211.
(c) 207.
(d) 209.

12. What is the title of the movie Anna watches in which Ingrid Bergman plays a woman being driven insane by her husband?
(a) Double Indemnity.
(b) Gaslight.
(c) Shadow of a Doubt.
(d) Rosemary's Baby.

13. What is the approximate square footage present in Anna's townhome?
(a) 2,600.
(b) 3,500.
(c) 3,300.
(d) 4,000.

14. What is Anna doing when Little tells her to stop?
(a) Chastising herself aloud.
(b) Humming to herself.
(c) Clearing the coffee table.
(d) Whispering to her cat.

15. In the opening scene, Anna watches as her neighbor leads a man with what job into the guest bedroom of her townhome?
(a) Courier.
(b) Air conditioner repairman.
(c) Contractor.
(d) Plumber.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Anna see Jane doing just before she is stabbed?

2. How often does Anna's physical therapist Bina visit Anna's home to provide her with therapy sessions?

3. Anna says that Olivia had been at an age when everything reminded her of a what?

4. When Ethan comes to Anna's house for the second time in tears, what is her first reaction?

5. What is the name of the online support group to which Anna belongs?

(see the answer keys)

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