The Woman in the Purple Skirt Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Natsuko Imamura
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Woman in the Purple Skirt Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Natsuko Imamura
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Pages 81 - 134 .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 3, what does the narrator think would help her develop a friendships with the Woman in the Purple Skirt?
(a) If she friended her on social media.
(b) If they lived in the same building.
(c) If they had the same job.
(d) If she introduced herself.

2. Who is the author of The Woman in the Purple Skirt?
(a) Rin Usami.
(b) Sayaka Murata.
(c) Imamura Natsuko.
(d) Yogo Ogawa.

3. What did the narrator overhear Supervisor Tsukada telling the director about the Woman in the Purple Skirt on her first day?
(a) She used to own a cafe.
(b) She used to be a short distance runner.
(c) She used to be a famous singer.
(d) She is being stalked by someone.

4. Where does the girl in the park say her parents purchased the items she has at home with the hotel logo on it?
(a) The local bazaar.
(b) A strange woman.
(c) The hotel.
(d) A department store.

5. How does the director respond when the Woman apologizes for any trouble she caused by being so late that day?
(a) It was not her fault.
(b) Don't let it happen again.
(c) Three strikes and you're out.
(d) She was very irresponsible.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator do once she hears people saying that the Woman in the Purple Skirt leaves her work cart too messy?

2. What does the Woman in the Purple Skirt accuse someone on the bus of doing one morning when the narrator is on it with her?

3. What is the narrator called at work?

4. What does the narrator realize she forgot when she came to work on the Woman in the Purple Skirt's third day?

5. What surprising gossip does the narrator overhear about the Woman in the Purple Skirt?

(see the answer key)

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