The Wolf and the Dove Test | Final Test - Medium

Kathleen Woodiwiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wolf and the Dove Test | Final Test - Medium

Kathleen Woodiwiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following do Wulfgar and Aislinn NOT see while exploring London?
(a) Tricksters.
(b) The queen.
(c) Mimes.
(d) Baubles.

2. What gift does Wulfgar give Aislinn before they leave London?
(a) A wedding ring.
(b) A trunk filled with satins and velvets.
(c) A dapple grey horse.
(d) A fur cloak.

3. What name does Ragnor call Gwyneth when she chastises him for kissing Aislinn?
(a) A whore.
(b) A pox.
(c) A curse.
(d) A she dog.

4. What does Aislinn do that angers Wulfgar?
(a) Spends the night with Kerwick.
(b) Fastens the ankle chain and prepares to sleep on the floor.
(c) Slaps him in front of his men.
(d) Throws a cup of wine on him.

5. What is Wulfgar surprised to find when he touches Aislinn's body?
(a) She is burning up with fever.
(b) She is cold and clammy.
(c) She is pregnant.
(d) A healing scar from the lash Gwyneth gave her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What serious disease is afflicting Maida?

2. Why is Aislinn particularly grateful for the gifts from Wulfgar?

3. With whom is Kerwick developing an attraction?

4. Why does Aislinn contend that she will not be welcome at a royal ceremony?

5. Why are Wulfgar's men acting sad and listless around the house?

Short Essay Questions

1. What angers Aislinn about Wulfgar's attending a party all night?

2. How does Aislinn use the situation of Wulfgar's gifts of the dresses to press for his feelings about her?

3. How does Wulfgar deal with Gwyneth who is all too anxious to talk about Aislinn's faults when Wulfgar returns to Darkenwald?

4. How are Wulfgar's concerns abated when he sees the newborn child?

5. What facts does Maida reveal that proves that Bryce could not be Ragnor's son?

6. How does Wulfgar rescue Aislinn upon her arrival in London?

7. What family secret does Gwyneth reveal before she dies?

8. Who is discovered to be a traitor at Darkenwald?

9. What arguments does Aislinn give for not wanting to attend the ceremonies for William?

10. What advice does Bolsgar give Wulfgar regarding Aislinn?

(see the answer keys)

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