The Wolf and the Dove Test | Final Test - Easy

Kathleen Woodiwiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wolf and the Dove Test | Final Test - Easy

Kathleen Woodiwiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is another reason Aislinn is hesitant to go to the royal ceremony?
(a) People will know she is Wulfgar's mistress.
(b) She has the hands of a peasant.
(c) She doesn't know dining etiquette.
(d) Her hairstyle is outdated.

2. For what purpose does William think Aislinn will serve Wulfgar best?
(a) Healer.
(b) Slave.
(c) Spy.
(d) Wife.

3. Why are Wulfgar's men acting sad and listless around the house?
(a) They are homesick.
(b) They miss Aislinn.
(c) They think Wulfgar will lose the joust.
(d) They ware battle weary.

4. How is Aislinn hurt during the boar hunt?
(a) She is gored by a boar.
(b) She is thrown from her horse.
(c) She falls into the river.
(d) She is wounded by an arrow.

5. Who is Haylan's son?
(a) Mikeal.
(b) Mika.
(c) Mordred.
(d) Miles.

6. Who falls in the river and needs Aislinn's care to return to health?
(a) Gwyneth.
(b) Ham.
(c) Haylan.
(d) Miles.

7. How many dresses does Aislinn have at the end of the day due to the tailors and seamstresses working all day?
(a) 3.
(b) 8.
(c) 10.
(d) 2.

8. What does Gwyneth call Wulfgar with the intention of hurting him?
(a) Soulless creature.
(b) An idiot.
(c) A bastard child.
(d) A moron.

9. Who does Bolsgar say is man enough to raise Aislinn's child in spite of the circumstances?
(a) Gawain.
(b) Kerwick.
(c) Swyen.
(d) Ragnor.

10. Ragnor and his men abduct Aislinn and _____________.
(a) Haylan.
(b) Bryce.
(c) Ham.
(d) Maida.

11. What does Haylan call Aislinn?
(a) A witch.
(b) A saint.
(c) A whore.
(d) A nag.

12. Which of the following does Aislinn NOT tell her mother after she marries Wulfgar?
(a) Maida's grandson will not be born without a father.
(b) Wulfgar is so much like her own father.
(c) Wulfgar is her chosen.
(d) Aislinn loves Wulfgar.

13. Bolsgar tells Wulfgar he should marry Aislinn or ________________________.
(a) Let Kerwick marry her.
(b) At least give the child his name.
(c) Give her her freedom.
(d) Find a husband for her.

14. How does Bolsgar know that Bryce is truly Wulfgar's son?
(a) He has a cowlick in his hair.
(b) He has grey eyes.
(c) He has a birthmark on his buttocks.
(d) He has the same mole on his cheek as Wulfgar does.

15. Why does Aislinn contend that she will not be welcome at a royal ceremony?
(a) She is a Saxon.
(b) She doesn't speak English.
(c) She doesn't have the right clothes.
(d) She is not royalty.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following does NOT give Wulfgar advice on how to beat Ragnor in the joust?

2. What family secret does Gwyneth finally reveal?

3. For what reason does Aislinn fix a potion for Wulfgar?

4. Who is the guest that Wulfgar has invited to Darkenwald?

5. What does Wulfgar do when Aislinn tells him she is pregnant?

(see the answer keys)

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