The Wolf and the Dove Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Kathleen Woodiwiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wolf and the Dove Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Kathleen Woodiwiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapterss 20 through 22.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kerwick pretend in front of Wulfgar?
(a) That he is dead.
(b) That he doesn't understand the language.
(c) That he is a friend.
(d) That he is wounded.

2. Why is Gwyneth angry with Aislinn?
(a) She has insulted Gwyneth.
(b) She does not want to be Gwyneth's friend.
(c) She has banished Gwyneth from the castle.
(d) Ragnor has also made love to her.

3. Which of the following does Wulfgar NOT tell Aislinn when he wakes her the next morning?
(a) They are expecting guests.
(b) They are going to get married.
(c) Milderd and Hlynn are preparina a scented bath for her.
(d) She is to wear the yellow dress today.

4. What accusation does Gwyneth make and that Wulfar demands an answer.
(a) That Aislinn slept with Kerwick while Wulfgar was away.
(b) That Aislinn tried to run away.
(c) That Aislinn gave away all of Wulfgar's clothes to the poor.
(d) That Aislinn sold Wulfgar's weapons.

5. What serious disease is afflicting Maida?
(a) Diabetes.
(b) Heart disease.
(c) Insanity.
(d) Cancer.

Short Answer Questions

1. How man men to Wulfgar and his men capture?

2. What does Wulfgar tell Friar Dunley are the friar's duties?

3. What do Wulfgar and some of his men NOT see as they ride away from Darkenwald toward smoke?

4. Which of the following does Gwyneth NOT yell at Wulfgar about?

5. How does Wulfgar have Kerwick punished?

(see the answer key)

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