The Wives of Henry VIII Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wives of Henry VIII Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In which country outside of England did Anne live with her family?
(a) Portugal.
(b) Spain.
(c) France.
(d) Denmark.

2. Whom did Henry have a son with in 1519?
(a) Bessie Blount.
(b) Bessie Bandings.
(c) Bessie Bibbs..
(d) Bessie Blander.

3. Which book of the Bible contained a passage which Henry used as grounds for divorce?
(a) Deuteronomy.
(b) Lamentations.
(c) Ecclesiastes.
(d) Leviticus.

4. What did Catherine of Aragon deny about her marriage to Arthur until her death?
(a) It was consummated.
(b) It was illegal.
(c) It was not consummated.
(d) It was based on love.

5. At the same time that Henry sought a divorce from Catherine of Aragon, what was troubling parliament?
(a) The Lutheran religious movement.
(b) Diplomatic threats from the Spanish.
(c) A lack of money to fund the navy.
(d) Growing rebellions in the west and north.

6. What age was Catherine of Aragon approaching in the early 1520s?
(a) Forty years old.
(b) Thirty-five years old.
(c) Forty-five years old.
(d) Thirty years old.

7. What interest did Henry have in Charles of Austria?
(a) He wanted to learn more about Austria's religion.
(b) He wanted Charles to sign a treaty.
(c) He wanted Charles to invest in his new fleet of ships.
(d) He wanted Charles to marry his daughter.

8. At whose request was Anne's relationship with Lord Percy ended?
(a) King Henry's.
(b) The King's sister Mary.
(c) Anne's father's.
(d) Anne's own request.

9. After being stuck in England for many years, how did Catherine finally stand up to the King?
(a) She arranged her own transportation to leave the country.
(b) She bribed him.
(c) She publically announced her return to her country.
(d) She used her feminine wiles.

10. As Henry sought to end his marriage to Catherine, what did Cardinal Wolsey suggest she should do?
(a) Make Henry arrange another marriage for her.
(b) Return to Spain.
(c) Enter a convent.
(d) Confess that her marriage to Arthur was consummated.

11. Which royal house did Henry VII hope to create a bond with through marriage?
(a) The Heinzes.
(b) The Hanovers.
(c) The Hensworths.
(d) The Habsburgs.

12. Who was Catherine of Aragon's father?
(a) Ferdinand of Aragon.
(b) Eric of Champagne.
(c) Domingos of Guarda.
(d) Edward of Glocestershire.

13. After Arthur's death, what caused Henry VII to be displeased with Catherine's father?
(a) Catherine's father would not accept Henry's bribe.
(b) Catherine's father did not agree with Henry's politics.
(c) Catherine's father would not allow Catherine to remain in England.
(d) Catherine's father had not yet paid her dowry.

14. What country was Catherine of Aragon from?
(a) France.
(b) Portugal.
(c) England.
(d) Spain.

15. After how many days did Catherine of Aragon and Henry's firstborn son die?
(a) Seventeen days.
(b) Eighty days.
(c) Fifty-two days.
(d) Thirty days.

Short Answer Questions

1. One of the individuals whom Henry considered betrothing his daughter to was ___________.

2. How long were Catherine and Arthur married before his death?

3. In what month did Catherine of Aragon and Arthur marry?

4. Where was a tribunal held to investigate the legitimacy of the marriage between Catherine of Aragon and King Henry?

5. What did Catherine of Aragon and Henry name the child born to them in 1516?

(see the answer keys)

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