The Wives of Henry VIII Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wives of Henry VIII Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 1, Catherine of Aragon: Chapter 3, Golden World, Chapter 4, Example of Wedlock, and Chapter 5, Without an Heir Male.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After her husband's death, what did Catherine of Aragon often struggle to do?
(a) Forget her dead husband.
(b) Feed herself and her servants.
(c) Get out of bed in the morning.
(d) Forgive the Tudor family.

2. What was Catherine of Aragon's relationship with Emperor Charles?
(a) She was his sister.
(b) She was his cousin.
(c) She was his niece.
(d) She was his aunt.

3. What was the result of Catherine of Aragon's first pregnancy?
(a) A stillborn baby boy.
(b) Twin girls.
(c) A healthy baby girl.
(d) A stillborn baby girl.

4. What did Catherine of Aragon deny about her marriage to Arthur until her death?
(a) It was based on love.
(b) It was illegal.
(c) It was not consummated.
(d) It was consummated.

5. What interest did Henry have in Charles of Austria?
(a) He wanted to learn more about Austria's religion.
(b) He wanted Charles to invest in his new fleet of ships.
(c) He wanted Charles to marry his daughter.
(d) He wanted Charles to sign a treaty.

Short Answer Questions

1. Emperor Charles entered into a marriage contract with __________.

2. Why was there particular pressure for Catherine of Aragon's pregnancy in 1518 to result in the birth of a boy?

3. Why was Henry particularly happy about his child born in 1516?

4. What was the name of Henry VII's wife?

5. After his wife's death, some believed that Henry VII wished to marry __________.

(see the answer key)

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