The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

India Holton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 248 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

India Holton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 248 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Oply's Chapter 8 remarks about a ring, a honeymoon, and a dress reveal?
(a) She has more expensive tastes than Tom can support.
(b) She expects Tom to obtain these things honestly.
(c) She is not interested in the trappings of a traditional wedding.
(d) She has been plotting to marry Tom all along.

2. During the flashback in which Cecilia writes down plans for killing her father, what new information is communicated about her father's murder of her mother?
(a) Morvath had an accomplice when he killed Cilla.
(b) Cilla drew a gun and threatened Morvath with it before he killed her.
(c) Miss Darlington is the one who persuaded Cilla to leave Morvath.
(d) Cecilia was actually present when the murder occurred.

3. Where are Oply and Tom while the women are making their way to the Ancient Mariner?
(a) In an Ottery St. Mary graveyard.
(b) Repairing the Eames house.
(c) At the Chanters House library.
(d) At the Brown house, studying math.

4. What technique is used when the title of Chapter 5 mentions "The End of Wuthering Heights" (45)?
(a) Tautology.
(b) Paronomasia.
(c) Encomium.
(d) Synesthesia.

5. Whose idea is it to have tea in Ottery St. Mary?
(a) Miss Fairweather's.
(b) Miss Darlington's.
(c) Mrs. Rotunder's.
(d) Miss Brown's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who fires shots at Darlington House as it comes in for a landing in Ottery St. Mary?

2. What does Cecilia tell Oply is the reason that Jane is not yet a senior member of the Wisteria Society?

3. Which name does Ned use when he offers his services as an assassin to Lady Armitage?

4. What does Cecilia have for the first time at the hotel?

5. When Ned thinks of Cilla as an "enigmatic" person, what does this mean is true about Cilla (88)?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the history of Cecilia's relationship with Jane Fairweather?

2. Where does Ned first lie down to sleep, and why does he quickly move to sleep elsewhere?

3. Who is Cecilia's father, and why does Cecilia read Bronte novels in hopes of understanding him better?

4. What is ironic about the Wisteria Society's motto and their activities at the meeting that Cecila and Miss Darlington walk into at the beginning of Chapter 6?

5. What is Morvath's plan for England?

6. What does Cecilia understand about Miss Brown's nighttime encounter with Tom Eames that Miss Brown herself fails to understand?

7. How is Miss Darlington's Chapter 4 reaction to Cecilia walking two miles typical of her treatment of Cecilia in general?

8. What are the two competing stories that Ned has heard about Morvath's marriage to Cilla?

9. What is ironic about the Chapter 1 conversation about Miss Darlington's concerns over how she would have handled Ned had he tried to break in when she was alone in the house?

10. How does Cecilia's behavior continue to deteriorate after dinner, and what does Ned do in response?

(see the answer keys)

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