The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels Test | Final Test - Easy

India Holton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 248 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels Test | Final Test - Easy

India Holton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 248 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Oply get Tom onto the London-bound train?
(a) She threatens him with a knife.
(b) She tells him she sees Ned inside the train.
(c) She fakes a purse snatching.
(d) She drugs him.

2. At the end of Chapter 13, what causes Ned to realize that he and Cecilia are in danger?
(a) Jacobsen disappears.
(b) Lady Armitage disappears.
(c) Morvath appears.
(d) Randall appears.

3. What does Lady Armitage daydream about Ned doing when he finally brings her news of Cecilia's death?
(a) Assuring her that Miss Darlington has collapsed from grief.
(b) Kneeling before her devotedly and begging to be her servant.
(c) Asking her to run away with him to Italy.
(d) Revealing his true identity and telling her all his secrets.

4. When Ned is trying to catch Cecilia in the portrait gallery, what does he reveal to her?
(a) He is in love with her.
(b) His real name is not Ned.
(c) He is an agent of the queen.
(d) Morvath killed his mother.

5. Why does Ned question Cecilia's order to land the house after she blows a hold in the abbey's west wing?
(a) He knows that Morvath has laid landmines around Northangerland Abbey.
(b) He is concerned that the abbey's stabilizing magic will affect Darlington House.
(c) He is concerned that Cecila is walking into a deathtrao,
(d) He knows that it is likely that the Wisteria Society women are dead.

6. How has Lady Armitage prepared in advance for a possible attempt to steal her house?
(a) There is a hidden trap awaiting anyone who approaches the wheelhouse.
(b) One of her housemaids is waiting in the wheelhouse with a gun.
(c) The house's steering mechanism is locked and the key is well hidden.
(d) She has disassembled the house's steering mechanism.

7. Where is Lady Armitage spend time walking while she waits for Ned in Chapter 12?
(a) Along the seaside.
(b) In a municipal garden.
(c) Through the woods.
(d) In a Lyme Regis museum.

8. Whose "high, fine voice" do Ned and Cecilia unexpectedly hear while they are in the secret passage (209)?
(a) Lady Armitage's.
(b) Miss Darlington's.
(c) Miss Brown's.
(d) Jane Fairweather's.

9. When Cecilia thinks that Ned looks "like a flower luring victims into its poisonous core," what two techniques are being used (193)?
(a) Hyperbole and personification.
(b) Metonymy and hyperbole.
(c) Personification and simile.
(d) Simile and metonymy.

10. Besides tea and cookies, what does Lady Armitage need a constant supply of while she waits for Ned to appear?
(a) Cocaine.
(b) Opium.
(c) Marijuana.
(d) Cigarettes.

11. The title of Chapter 11, "...The Senselessness and Insensibility of Reading Wuthering Heights...." is an example of which technique?
(a) Alliteration.
(b) Allegory.
(c) Allusion.
(d) Anaphora.

12. In Chapter 12, what solution does Cecilia offer to the problem of the patriarchy?
(a) Getting rid of men entirely.
(b) Women's suffrage.
(c) Education for women.
(d) Replacing it with matriarchy.

13. Where is Morvath's house moored when Cecilia and Ned go looking for it in Chapter 13?
(a) Bath.
(b) Mayfair.
(c) Lyme Regis.
(d) Blackdown Hills.

14. What do Queen Victoria's remarks about Ned cause Oply to realize?
(a) Ned might be a danger to Cecilia.
(b) The Queen has no idea who Ned really is.
(c) Ned has yet another secret identity.
(d) The Queen dislikes Ned intensely.

15. Whom do the portraits in the gallery depict?
(a) Members of the Bassingthwaite family.
(b) Members of the Morvath family.
(c) Characters from Branwell Bronte's books.
(d) Characters from Wuthering Heights.

Short Answer Questions

1. On page 243, what does Ned say when he sees the building Morvath is flying explode?

2. What object does Jane Fairweather attack Ned with as they leave the secret passage?

3. What book of Cecilia's did Morvath burn when she was a child?

4. Who surprises Lady Armitage by bringing in tea in the place of her butler?

5. When Ned is daydreaming about marrying Cecilia, what do both his imagined wedding location and honeymoon location have in common?

(see the answer keys)

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