The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels Test | Final Test - Easy

India Holton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 248 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels Test | Final Test - Easy

India Holton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 248 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What object does Jane Fairweather attack Ned with as they leave the secret passage?
(a) A sword.
(b) A whiskey bottle.
(c) A butter knife.
(d) A cushion.

2. What threat does Morvath use to try to make Cecilia leave the secret passage?
(a) He will lock Cecilia in the tower with Frederick.
(b) He will kill Ned as soon as he finds them.
(c) He will starve Cecilia when he finally recaptures her.
(d) He will begin killing the Wisteria Society members.

3. At the beginning of Chapter 20, what does the narrator say Ned would refuse to do if he could live his life over again?
(a) Allow his house to be pushed from a cliff.
(b) Accept the contract on Cecilia's life.
(c) Read Morvath's writing.
(d) Eat kippers.

4. On page 175, what does Queen Victoria ask Oply as soon as Oply mentions Captain Morvath?
(a) "Does dear Ned know of this?"
(b) "Where is the villain?"
(c) "Who is Captain Morvath?"
(d) "I could have been a pirate, myself."

5. Besides tea and cookies, what does Lady Armitage need a constant supply of while she waits for Ned to appear?
(a) Marijuana.
(b) Opium.
(c) Cigarettes.
(d) Cocaine.

6. What is the fate of the small building Morvath is flying?
(a) It falls into the English channel,
(b) It collides with a hill and explodes.
(c) It hits one of the battlehouses.
(d) The queen has it shot down.

7. On page 244, what does Cecilia say she is doing when she draws a gun on Ned? ed asks Cecila whether she is jikacking the house
(a) She finds the situation "regrettable."
(b) She is "hijacking" her own life.
(c) She intends to "extract a confession" from Ned.
(d) She expects "more cheerful compliance" from Ned.

8. At the end of Chapter 13, what causes Ned to realize that he and Cecilia are in danger?
(a) Jacobsen disappears.
(b) Morvath appears.
(c) Lady Armitage disappears.
(d) Randall appears.

9. Whose "high, fine voice" do Ned and Cecilia unexpectedly hear while they are in the secret passage (209)?
(a) Lady Armitage's.
(b) Miss Darlington's.
(c) Jane Fairweather's.
(d) Miss Brown's.

10. What does Cecilia tell Frederick she plans to use the secret passage to do?
(a) Find and kill her father.
(b) Find and rescue her aunt.
(c) Escape Norhtangerland Abbey.
(d) Find and kill Ned Lightbourne.

11. In Chapter 18, what surprising information does Cecilia get about Miss Darlington?
(a) She is not biologically related to Cecilia.
(b) She is Morvath's mother.
(c) She plans to kill Lady Armitage.
(d) She deliberately let herself get captured.

12. What book of Cecilia's did Morvath burn when she was a child?
(a) A book of Wordsworth's poems.
(b) Wuthering Heights.
(c) Her personal journal.
(d) A math textbook.

13. When Tom looks at himself in the clothing shop, whom does he realize Oply has dressed him to look like?
(a) A butler.
(b) A pirate.
(c) Prince Albert.
(d) A palace guard.

14. What does Cecilia hope to find when she is searching through her childhood dolls?
(a) A photograph.
(b) A key.
(c) A weapon.
(d) Poison.

15. What does Ned pretend to see in order to slow Cecilia down enough to catch her as she is running through the portrait gallery?
(a) One of Morvath's henchmen.
(b) A bookshelf.
(c) Miss Darlington.
(d) A picture of Branwell Bronte.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Frederick catches sight of Cecilia's leg, with whose great beauty does he favorably compare Cecilia's?

2. In Chapter 20, what does Cecilia wait to see before giving the order to turn the house around?

3. Who surprises Lady Armitage by bringing in tea in the place of her butler?

4. What does Miss Darlington mean when, on page 223, she tells Cecilia "Plan B"?

5. On page 150, why does Cecilia think it would be better to stab Ned than to slap him?

(see the answer keys)

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