The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen,... Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Walter Isaacson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen,... Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Walter Isaacson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen,... Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the "Wise Men" does Isaacson report to be the son of a wealthy railway tycoon?
(a) Dean Acheson.
(b) Chip Bohlen.
(c) Robert Lovett.
(d) Averell Harriman.

2. What does Isaacson claim to be the reason that Harriman and Dean Acheson supported making post-war loans to the Soviets?
(a) Both saw the loans as a means of gaining bargaining leverage with the Kremlin.
(b) Both considered that the friendship of the Soviets could be bought.
(c) Both realized that the Soviet economy was unproductive and felt that loans could nudge the Soviets to a market economy.
(d) Both considered loans to be a show of good faith that the U.S. was willing to work with the Soviets in spite of ideological differences.

3. Who wrote the top-secret "recommendations for the use of nuclear weapons"?
(a) J. Robert Oppenheimer.
(b) Colonel Paul Tibbets.
(c) Douglas MacArthur.
(d) Harry Truman.

4. What does Isaacson claim to have been America's foreign policy following WWI?
(a) Non-interventionism.
(b) Nation building.
(c) Isolationism.
(d) Interventionism.

5. After Roosevelt and Churchill made their agreement, what became the responsibility of Averell Harriman?
(a) To direct the formation of foreign policy from Washington.
(b) To travel to Moscow to offer aid to the government of the Soviet Union in their confrontation against Germany.
(c) To direct the shift in the balance of power between England and the United States.
(d) To act as a strong man against Stalin's bluntness.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did John McCloy come into contact with Averell Harriman and Robert Lovett?

2. Who coined the term "Iron Curtain" in a cable to President Truman?

3. According to Isaacson, what event took place between Harriman and the person with whom he was sharing responsibility that foreshadowed the role of the two countries they represented in their places in Western leadership?

4. Who encouraged the United States to rearm and come out of what Isaacson claims to be a period of isolationism following WWI?

5. Where did Chip Bohlen grow up, according to Isaacson?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the title does Isaacson claims that John McCloy earned during his career in government and as a corporate lawyer?

2. What does Isaacson report to be Averell Harriman's first achievement after he was named as transportation adviser to the National Defense Advisory Commission by President Franklin Roosevelt?

3. What did Isaacson report regarding a meeting between Averell Harriman and Max Beaverbrook that foretold the change in the balance of power between England and the United States?

4. What does Issacson suggest comes between 20th century isolationism and a utopian dream of a world order based on international law?

5. Which of the "Six Wise Men" does Isaacson indicate attended Harvard Law School?

6. What does Isaacson claim motivated George Kennan to apply for a job with the foreign service?

7. What kind of jobs did John McCloy's mother find for him during his youth, according to Isaacson?

8. Why did Russian soldiers dismantle German factories and send the assets back to their homeland at the end of WWII according to Isaacson?

9. What were the circumstances through which John McCloy came into contact with Averell Harriman and Robert Lovett after WWI, according to Isaacson?

10. How does Isaacson claim that Robert Lovett's father started in his work for E.H. Harriman?

(see the answer keys)

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