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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Isaacson claim to have become the consensus of the "Wise Men" concerning Vietnam in their advice to President Johnson?
(a) "This has become a quagmire and we need to leave."
(b) "Our policy of containment will collapse if we fail in Vietnam."
(c) "The results in Vietnam will determine the course of the world well into the future."
(d) "There should be no question of making whatever combat force increases were required."
2. Who does Isaacson report that President Johnson wanted to serve as Ambassador to Vietnam in 1964?
(a) McGeorge Bundy
(b) John McCloy.
(c) Dean Rusk.
(d) George Ball.
3. What did Gen. MacArthur recommend, according to Isaacson, to stem the flow of Chinese soldiers into North Korea?
(a) Opening relations with China to negotiate a settlement.
(b) Using nuclear weapons to wipe out China and Russia.
(c) Bombing out bridges over the Yalu River.
(d) Avoiding a mainland war with the communists.
4. When and where was the first atomic bomb used on Japan?
(a) August 6, 1945 on Hiroshima.
(b) August 7, 1945 on Hiroshima.
(c) August 6, 1945 on Tokyo.
(d) August 7, 1945 on Nagasaki.
5. What does Isaacson claim to be Dean Acheson's views on Vietnam?
(a) He considered Vietnam to be identical to the challenges of Korea.
(b) He considered Vietnam the most important confrontation to avoid the "Domino Theory."
(c) He considered Vietnam to be evidence that the war against communism was never going to end.
(d) He considered Vietnam to be a distraction from the affairs of Europe.
6. When does Isaacson report communist North Korea invaded South Korea?
(a) June 6, 1944.
(b) June 24, 1950.
(c) June 6, 1949.
(d) June 25, 1959.
7. What does Isaacson claim to be George Kennan's biggest concern regarding Soviet Communism?
(a) Its ability to adjust and change its public approaches based upon efforts to contain it.
(b) Populist indignation at elites.
(c) The appeal to the working class being taxed to support international efforts.
(d) Subversion, not invasion.
8. Who does Isaacson report to be the last of the "Six Wise Men" whom President-Elect Kennedy called before he made his choice for Secretary of State?
(a) Averell Harriman.
(b) John McCloy.
(c) Dean Acheson.
(d) Robert Lovett.
9. How did the U.S. Government consider North Korea's invasion of South Korea, according to Isaacson?
(a) As a warning sign to world war.
(b) As a sign that the U.S. had no other choice but to be involved with all the governments of the world to turn back the communist threat.
(c) As the beginning of a life or death struggle against international communism.
(d) As a sign that the age of interventionism was over.
10. What was the major contributing factor to causing the fate of the "Six Wise Men" after the election of Eisenhower?
(a) After nearly 25 years of depression, war, and turmoil, Americans demanded a return to policies of non-intervention.
(b) It was the first time the Republicans held power in 20 years and they wanted to start with their people in power.
(c) The general public began to see America's foreign policy elite had been reserving power to itself with the continual appeals for wars.
(d) The plans made by the "Wise Men" were proving to have disastrous economic consequences for the country.
11. What was a personal factor that made the "Six Wise Men" unpopular to the general public, according to Isaacson?
(a) Their roles in the firing of Douglas MacArthur.
(b) Their connections to international banks and Wall Street.
(c) The obvious destruction their agenda had on the American economic system.
(d) Their support of Algier Hiss who was found to be a Communist spy.
12. Why did President Eisenhower relieve Bob Lovett from the Defense Department, according to Isaacson?
(a) Because Lovett was considered untrustworthy based upon his relationship with Alger Hiss.
(b) Because Lovett was a Democrat and Republicans demanded party loyalty while they had control of Congress.
(c) Because Lovett was found leaking policy decisions to his Democrat friends outside the administration.
(d) Because the Eisenhower Administration planned to cut spending on conventional forces and rely totally on nuclear weapons for defense.
13. What does Isaacson record came of Kennan's concern regarding confronting Soviet Communism?
(a) It was shelved by higher members of the Truman Administration but acted upon by the Eisenhower Administration.
(b) It was taken by the House UnAmerican Activities committee to guide its efforts to prosecute communist activities throughout the country.
(c) It became the foundation for using American embassies as the hub of spying activities against foreign subversives.
(d) An "office of special projects" was started in the CIA.
14. How did George Kennan contribute to Acheson's effort to win support for Greece and Turkey, according to Isaacson?
(a) Kennan took a film crew to make a documentary of the desparation of Greece and Turkey.
(b) Kennan lent the cause credibility by showing how doing so would be an application of his popular document of containment.
(c) Kennan wrote a speech that gave undeniable arguments in support for the cause.
(d) Kennan found a Russian exile to meet with congressmen to detail the plans of the Soviet government for overtaking all of Europe.
15. What office did President-Elect Kennedy offer to the first of the "Six Wise Men" whose counsel he sought?
(a) Ambassador to Russia.
(b) Secretary of State.
(c) Chief of Staff.
(d) Ambassador to NATO.
Short Answer Questions
1. Upon whom does Isaacson claim that Stimson relied to help him achieve his goal regarding the control of the atom bomb?
2. Why does Isaacson claim MacArthur's plans were blocked?
3. After the atomic bombs had been detonated in Japan, what does Isaacson indicate to be the next challenge for the government in the post-war era?
4. How does Isaacson report that Clark Clifford understood the rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet Union had to be framed to make the general public support confronting the Communists?
5. Why does Isaacson suggest Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union and Mao Tse Tung of China gave support to North Korea's invasion of South Korea?
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