The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen,... Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Walter Isaacson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen,... Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Walter Isaacson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen,... Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Isaacson claim to the Lovett's and Harriman's most important innovation to the industry for which they were prepared by Judge Lovett?
(a) Using ticker tape to relay changes in stock prices.
(b) Developing streamlined diesel locomotives pulling sleek aluminum coaches.
(c) Establishing radio relay stations to deliver messages to ambassadors in foreign lands.
(d) Using airplanes to quickly relay messages to ambassadors in foreign lands.

2. How does Isaacson claim Chip Bohlen became an important American diplomat in Russia?
(a) He was skillful in winning the trust of Russians who were desirous of escaping Soviet Communism and helped them escape to freedom.
(b) He understood the priniples of communist dialectics and was able to navigate various negotiations with communist officials.
(c) He fully understood the demands of protocol and effectively avoided turmoil with his Russian hosts.
(d) He could talk Russian like a native and had the ability to express blunt opinions with a disarming smile.

3. Where did Chip Bohlen grow up, according to Isaacson?
(a) Aiken, South Carolina.
(b) New York City.
(c) Paris.
(d) Grindstone Island, New York.

4. Who does Isaacson report to be the U.S. ambassador to Russia immediately after WWII?
(a) Robert Lovett.
(b) George Kennan.
(c) Averell Harriman.
(d) John McCloy.

5. What quality made Lovett and McCloy influential insiders, according to Isaacson?
(a) Their intimate friendships with President Franklin Roosevelt.
(b) The informal social networks they had formed.
(c) Their overseas experiences with world leaders.
(d) Their efficient methods of researching and writing reports.

6. With whom did John McCloy and Robert Lovett serve as advisers to the Secretary of War, according to Isaacson?
(a) Dean Acheson and Averell Harriman.
(b) McGeorge Bundy and Henry Stimson.
(c) George Marshall and Erskine Hawkins.
(d) Robert Patterson and Harvey Bundy.

7. What does Isaacson claim to have been America's foreign policy following WWI?
(a) Nation building.
(b) Interventionism.
(c) Isolationism.
(d) Non-interventionism.

8. Under which president did Dean Acheson serve in the Attorney General's office?
(a) Calvin Coolidge.
(b) Franklin Roosevelt.
(c) Herbert Hoover.
(d) Harry Truman.

9. What did Isaacson claim to be Kennan's strong areas in his training?
(a) International Law and German.
(b) Protocol and foreign cultures.
(c) International Law and economics.
(d) Language interpretation and religious studies.

10. Where does Isaacson claim Averell Harriman and Dean Acheson first met?
(a) In Russia during WWII.
(b) In Paris.
(c) At Groton Prep School.
(d) In New York City.

11. Who was the Supreme Court Justice for whom Dean Acheson clerked?
(a) James Clark McReynolds.
(b) William Howard Taft.
(c) Louis Brandeis.
(d) Mahlon Pitney.

12. What was Bohlen's first assignment after he completed training in his field, according to Issacson?
(a) He was given a seat on the board of directors of the Union Pacific Railway.
(b) He was made partner with W.A. Harriman & Co.
(c) He was posted in Prague.
(d) He was assigned Under Secretary of the National Recovery Administration.

13. Isaacson reports which "Wise Man" worked to implement Franklin Roosevelt's Lend Lease program?
(a) Henry Stimson.
(b) George Kennan.
(c) Dean Acheson.
(d) John McCloy.

14. What does Isaacson cite as the difference between Kennan's and Chip Bohlen's approach to preparing for their chosen field?
(a) Kennan approached his preparations with anxiety but Bohlen enjoyed his time studying for the exams.
(b) Bohlen was very social and enjoyed drinking, but Kennan was studied in seclusion and was a tea-totaler.
(c) Kennan had analytic depth, but Bohlen had a more nimble mind.
(d) Kennan was academic, but Bohlen was impulsive.

15. Which of the six "Wise Men" does Isaacson report Roosevelt's Secretary of War asked to work on German espionage?
(a) Averell Harriman.
(b) John McCloy.
(c) Chip Bohlen.
(d) Robert Lovett.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Isaacson, how did Harriman respond to Stalin's shifting demeanor?

2. Which of the "Wise Men," according to Isaacson, attended The Hill School in Philadelphia?

3. Which president does Isaacson report Dean Acheson served as Assistant Secretary of State?

4. How does Isaacson claim Joseph Stalin's temperament changed between Harriman's first and second meetings?

5. Isaacson reports that Averell Harriman took what position in the Roosevelt Administration?

(see the answer keys)

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