The Winthrop Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winthrop Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bess do as her only resort for help in her situation?
(a) She writes an impassioned letter to the governor.
(b) She gives the kid glove to Toby with instructions to find Jack.
(c) She travels to meet the governor in person.
(d) She makes plans to return to England.

2. What does Bell beg Telaka not to tell her tribe?
(a) That Bess has traded with them unfairly
(b) That Daniel Patrick has killed Mianos
(c) That Daniel Patrick is planning on waging war on the Indians
(d) That Toby is not sorry for upsetting Telaka's mother's gravesite

3. Under whose jurisdiction does the Feakes-Patrick land fall after the meeting?
(a) The Germans
(b) The Puritans
(c) The Papists
(d) The Dutch

4. What does Bess learn about her son-in-law?
(a) Thomas is still trying to get Bess' land.
(b) Thomas has become an alcoholic.
(c) Thomas no longer loves Joan.
(d) Thomas has turned his life around.

5. Why does Toby build a room onto Bess' home?
(a) Bess wants a room where she can mix medicines.
(b) Bess's husband, Robert, has gone mad and must be locked away.
(c) Bess needs more sleeping space for her family.
(d) Bess plans to start a school in her home.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Will and Bess escape their dire fate?

2. Of what are Bess and Telaka accused?

3. How do Will and Bess help Jack in exchange for his writing to the governor on their behalf?

4. What do Will and Bess realize after they meet?

5. Who has been writing to John Winthrop in an attempt to get what might be due to Joan from her late father's holdings in Barbados as well as to contest the paper signed by Robert Feake granting his property to Bess and Will?

Short Essay Questions

1. What surprising statement does the harsh John Winthrop make just prior to his death?

2. Under what conditions is Bess' divorce from Robert granted?

3. What are some of the underlying reasons for the witchcraft hysteria running rampant in the colony?

4. What does Will discover when he visits Watertown one day?

5. How does the claims by other countries affect Bess personally?

6. What happens when Will and Bess return to New Amsterdam in Chapter 23?

7. How does Bess' life change dramatically for Bess in Chapter 16?

8. What does the letter from George Baxter represent to Bess?

9. What spiritual experience does Bess have in Chapter 24?

10. Why does Toby build on a room to Bess' house?

(see the answer keys)

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