The Winthrop Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winthrop Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Bess' surprise visitor?
(a) Her cousin, Harry
(b) Her best friend, Sara
(c) Her sister, Martha
(d) Her fiance, Edward

2. Where does Harry decide to stay for awhile?
(a) At a nearby inn
(b) With his own family
(c) With Robert's family
(d) With the Fones family

3. Why is John Winthrop's wife, Margaret, ailing at Groton?
(a) She has given birth to a child.
(b) She has tuberculosis.
(c) She is melancholy.
(d) She has cancer.

4. With whom has John Winthrop arranged a marriage for Bess?
(a) William Congreve
(b) Robert Seaford
(c) William Falter
(d) Robert Feake

5. Who does John Winthrop's daughter, Mary, marry, much to his chagrin?
(a) His best friend, Samuel Dudley
(b) His ship's captain, Samuel Dudley
(c) His spiritual mentor, Samuel Dudley
(d) His adversary, Samuel Dudley

Short Answer Questions

1. What other name does Elizabeth use for herself?

2. Who is voted in as governor of the colony?

3. Now that Bess is a widow, who do the Winthrops want her to consider marrying?

4. Where does the family insist that Harry go instead of returning to Barbados?

5. What was Elizabeth's mother's maiden name?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is it about Anne Hutchinson's beliefs that is so appealing to Bess?

2. What is the relationship of Elizabeth, the main character, to the powerful Winthrop family?

3. Why is John Winthrop so interested in going to the New World?

4. Why does Bess agree to marry the intellectual and boring Edward Howes?

5. Explain the circumstances of Elizabeth's (Bess) punishment by her uncle John?

6. What is the symbolism of the celebration held by the people of Boston after John Winthrop's removal from office?

7. Why is Groton Manor a wonderland to the Fones children?

8. What is the mood surrounding the adventure to the new world as Chapter 7 begins?

9. Why does Fitch, the Fones' family servant, tell Edward Howes that the Fones house is being run by the devil?

10. John Winthrop's good mood over the preparations for sailing to New England are dampened by what occurrence?

(see the answer keys)

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