The Winthrop Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winthrop Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens with the delivery of a letter from the Dutch Director-General?
(a) A statue is to be dedicated to Bess.
(b) Will is banished from the colony and Bess, as an adulteress, may never see him again.
(c) Will learns that his mother has died in London.
(d) Will and Bess are made elders of the church.

2. When Daniel and Toby return, what do they bring with them?
(a) The head of Mianos and the dead body of John Winthrop
(b) The head of Mianos and the murdered corpse of Ben Palmer
(c) The head of Mianos and the dead body of Telaka
(d) The head of Ben Palmer and the dead body of Mianos

3. What does Robert do to Bess?
(a) He becomes more loving than ever before.
(b) He rapes her in a fit of insanity.
(c) He demands that she stop mixing medicines.
(d) He apologizes for making her life so difficult.

4. Of what are Bess and Telaka accused?
(a) Public indecency
(b) Sacrilege
(c) Theft
(d) Witchcraft

5. To where do Thomas and Joan move?
(a) Ipswich
(b) Stamford
(c) Boston
(d) Salem

6. What does Telaka tell Bess that Telaka's father, Mianos, has done?
(a) Mianos has put a curse on Bess.
(b) Mianos has moved his people to a piece of land further south.
(c) Mianos has demanded the Telaka return to her people.
(d) Mianos has killed Toby, Daniel and Daniel's assistant, Ben Palmer.

7. Where do Will and Bess now live?
(a) Pequot
(b) Watertown
(c) Hallet's Point
(d) Boston

8. Why does Toby build a room onto Bess' home?
(a) Bess needs more sleeping space for her family.
(b) Bess plans to start a school in her home.
(c) Bess's husband, Robert, has gone mad and must be locked away.
(d) Bess wants a room where she can mix medicines.

9. Will and Bess organize a festival for which holiday?
(a) New Year's
(b) Christmas
(c) Halloween
(d) Easter

10. What happens with the arrival of Captain Underhill?
(a) His soldiers kill more than a thousand Indians in a surprise attack.
(b) Bess is promised more protection from the Indians.
(c) He brings lots of goods from which Bess can shop.
(d) There is a new government structure implemented.

11. How do the Feakes children manage to stay well during this winter?
(a) The children drink all of their milk.
(b) Telaka gives the children vitamins.
(c) Telaka gathers herbs to keep them well.
(d) The children stay in their own home away from other children.

12. What happens when Will Hallet arrives to see Bess?
(a) Bess tells him to go away.
(b) Will tells Bess he is engaged to a Boston girl.
(c) They realize they are in love.
(d) Bess does not tell him she is pregnant with Robert's child.

13. What does it mean when Toby upsets the grave site of Telaka's mother?
(a) Her mother's spirit demands a new grave.
(b) Her mother's spirit is lost forever.
(c) Her mother's spirit has inhabited Toby's body.
(d) Her mother's spirit will haunt Toby.

14. Why does Telaka bring her brother, Keoferram, to Bess?
(a) To teach him how to read
(b) To teach him the Bible
(c) To heal a chancre on his leg
(d) To teach him how to speak English

15. What complications does Bess experience with the birth of her child?
(a) Beth's child is stillborn.
(b) The child is born deformed and dies soon after.
(c) Bess has to stay in bed for several weeks prior to the birth.
(d) Bess suffers a miscarriage.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has happened to Anne Hutchinson?

2. What prevents the Indians from killing Bess and her family when they attack their home?

3. Why does John Winthrop banish Daniel Patrick and his family from the colony?

4. Who is the only other person who sees the love between Bess and Will?

5. What does Will tell Thomas Lyon?

(see the answer keys)

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