The Winthrop Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winthrop Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the youngest child in the Fones family?
(a) Harry
(b) Martha
(c) Elizabeth
(d) Jack

2. Why do Jack and Bess need a special license to get married?
(a) They live in different counties.
(b) They are underage.
(c) They are related by marriage.
(d) They are first cousins.

3. What do the children think of Groton Manor?
(a) It is too far away from London and they hate the long trip to get there.
(b) It is a children's wonderland with ponies, ponds, woods, castle ruins, and an old mill.
(c) It is a frightening place that they have no interest in exploring.
(d) It is a boring place because there is nothing for children to do there.

4. What happens when John Winthrop's iron-fisted style of leadership creates huge opposition in the colony?
(a) Winthrop gets even more determined to rule his own way.
(b) Winthrop decides to go back to England.
(c) Winthrop must speak with the church elders on a regular basis.
(d) Winthrop is ousted from office.

5. How does the Fones family travel to the family manor in Groton?
(a) By train
(b) By foot
(c) By boat
(d) By cart

6. What is the name of the ship on which Harry sails to New England?
(a) Talbot
(b) Turret
(c) Tamara
(d) Teutonic

7. Who does Bess see one day during a celebration?
(a) Will Hallet
(b) Jack Winthrop
(c) Robert Feake
(d) Robert Seaford

8. What is a papist?
(a) A Scientologist
(b) A Methodist
(c) An Episcopalian
(d) A Roman Catholic

9. With whom is Bess in love?
(a) Harry's brother, Jack
(b) Jack's brother, William
(c) Harry's brother, William
(d) Jack's brother, Harry

10. Who accompanies Harry and Bess to Groton?
(a) Robert Seaton
(b) Peyto
(c) Sara Winthrop
(d) Martha Fones

11. What is the name of the Indian woman Bess takes as a maid?
(a) Mariah
(b) Pequot
(c) Tempest
(d) Telaka

12. Of what crime has Peyto been accused?
(a) Playing cards on Sunday
(b) Being a witch
(c) Stealing from the Winthrops
(d) Drinking too much rum

13. Who tells Bess about Harry's death?
(a) Martha
(b) Sara
(c) Jack
(d) Margaret

14. What are Jack's plans?
(a) He wants to open a law office.
(b) He plans to the new world with his father.
(c) He wants to open an importing company.
(d) He wants to manage Groton.

15. How many people in John Winthrop's company have died since their arrival in New England?
(a) Nearly all of them
(b) Nearly one half
(c) Nearly three fourths
(d) Nearly one third

Short Answer Questions

1. To what position is John Winthrop elected?

2. Why would John Winthrop be inclined to go to the new world, America?

3. To what does Harry admit at dinner?

4. What outrage does Bess commit with the countess?

5. What other name does Elizabeth use for herself?

(see the answer keys)

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