The Winthrop Woman Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winthrop Woman Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Sixteen.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the children think of Groton Manor?
(a) It is a frightening place that they have no interest in exploring.
(b) It is a boring place because there is nothing for children to do there.
(c) It is a children's wonderland with ponies, ponds, woods, castle ruins, and an old mill.
(d) It is too far away from London and they hate the long trip to get there.

2. To whom is Beth betrothed on Christmas Day?
(a) Edward Howes
(b) Jack Winthrop
(c) Edward Winthrop
(d) Harry Howes

3. What does Bess realize shortly after her marriage to Harry?
(a) That she is too young to be married.
(b) That Harry is gay.
(c) That Harry has been married before.
(d) That she has always loved Harry's brother, Jack.

4. What personal information does Bess give to Jack?
(a) Bess is pregnant.
(b) Bess does not love Harry.
(c) Bess misses her mother.
(d) Bess cannot stand her mother-in-law.

5. Bess gives birth to a girl and names her _____________________________.
(a) Marie Joanne (Joann)
(b) Martha Jacqueline (Jacquie)
(c) Martha Johanna (Joan)
(d) Madeline Justine (Maddie)

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Anne's brother who still lives at home?

2. What is the name of the Indian woman Bess takes as a maid?

3. What elegantly dressed man enters the apothecary shop asking for the best tobacco?

4. When Daniel and Toby return, what do they bring with them?

5. To what is Bess looking forward?

(see the answer key)

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