Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What did Marullo do when he was deported?
2. Where has Marullo been feeling pain?
3. Whom does Ethan talk to when he is in bed after celebrating Allen's prize?
4. Where does Ethan dream of going while he is in his special place at the end of the book?
5. Who is the only person who Ethan thinks might know what he has started?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Baker do and say when he sees Ethan after hearing about Danny's death?
2. Why does Ethan say he does not want to run for the town manager's office?
3. What does Stoney tell Ethan after he talks to Biggers for the first time since owning the store?
4. What does Joey say that shows Ethan his bank robbery might have failed?
5. What does Ethan say July usually is?
6. What place did Allen take in the essay contest, and why is Ethan so surprised by this?
7. What did Marullo do and say when he was deported and why?
8. What does Ethan do when Biggers comes into the store for the first time after Ethan owns it?
9. What did Ethan plan to do to make people believe he was in the bathroom during the robbery?
10. What does Mr. Baker say he would do for Ethan if he finds Danny?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What is Ethan's plan to re-claim his family's property and money, and how does it turn out? Which character is most affected by this plan?
Essay Topic 2
Personal identity is one of the main themes in this book. Where does this theme appear, and how does its inclusion in the novel shape the course of the plot?
Essay Topic 3
Where did the talisman come from, and what does it mean to the main characters in the book.
This section contains 709 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |