The Winter of Our Discontent Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winter of Our Discontent Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapter One

• Ethan and Mary chat before he leaves for work. Mary plans to meet Margie, her best friend, for a Tarot reading.

• Ethan walks to work. He meets Joey, a bank teller, along the way. Joey dreams of robbing a bank.

• We discover that Ethan's family once owned the store he works in, but the war recession and bad investments made him lose it all.
• Ethan's forefathers were whalers. He was a captain in the Army during the war. Now he works at a grocery store his family once owned.

• Mr. Baker, the banker, comes to the store to pressure Ethan to invest his wife's money to get a huge return.

• Margie comes to the store and flirts with Ethan, who does not respond. She is angered by this.

• A salesman comes to the store and bribes Ethan to switch supply companies at the store. He refuses...

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