The Winter King: A Novel of Arthur Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winter King: A Novel of Arthur Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Gundleus, having paid the bride-price, accepts ____.
(a) Baptism.
(b) The thone.
(c) Exile.
(d) Death.

2. Guinevere is said to worship ____.
(a) Icarus.
(b) Inbicus.
(c) Isis.
(d) Osiris.

3. In the spring, King Ban sends Bleiddig to summon Arthur to defend ____, as he has sworn.
(a) Benderic.
(b) Byndric.
(c) Broderic.
(d) Benoic.

4. Derfel reminds Tanaburs of their first meeting and scares him into the ____.
(a) Moat.
(b) Tower.
(c) Forest.
(d) Dungeon.

5. Lancelot is insulted that Arthur has sent a mere ____ to defend Ynys Trebes.
(a) Child.
(b) Assistant.
(c) Footman.
(d) Messenger.

Short Answer Questions

1. ____ is the name of the person that the monk scribes stories about.

2. Owain talks about falsifying tax records and plots with a greedy ____.

3. Ban insists that Derfel stay for dinner to meet his warrior sons, Lancelot and ____.

4. As the war goes well, Gundleus comes to take Mordred to Caer Cadarn for acclamation as ____.

5. ____ is where the princess went into labor.

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain how Arthur winds up killing Owain.

2. Do you think that it was right for the babies to be switched before Gundleus arrived?

3. How does Mordred escape death at Gundleus' hands?

4. Explain how Arthur treats Gundleus and your opinions of it.

5. Describe Norwenna's attitude, after Uther's death.

6. Why does Derfel understand, and even respect, Arthur's plan to elope?

7. Explain Derfel's inner conflict when Tristan arrives demanding justice for the tin miners.

8. What gift does Ceinwyn give to Derfel, why does she give it, and why does it have significance to Derfel?

9. Describe the baby that is born at the start of the novel.

10. Explain the consequences of Arthur marrying Guinevere.

(see the answer keys)

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