The Winter King: A Novel of Arthur Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winter King: A Novel of Arthur Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Nimue is labeled a ____.
(a) Traitor.
(b) Witch.
(c) Adultress.
(d) Crazy person.

2. Before they leave Caer Sws, Gorfyddyd suggest that he will spare everyone if Arthur ____.
(a) Dies.
(b) Apologizes.
(c) Gives him gold.
(d) Surrenders.

3. At the gate, ____ and Cavan hold the guards at bay on Bedwin's orders.
(a) Arthur.
(b) Lancelot.
(c) Merlin.
(d) Galahad.

4. Derfel and Nimue find pure happiness on ____, making love and thinking briefly of an ideal life together.
(a) Lost Isle.
(b) Lughnasa.
(c) The Isle Of The Dead.
(d) Lanfasa.

5. Arthur gathers his five commanders to free them and their men for their loyalty oath, and also to ask them to fight with him at ____ Vale.
(a) Tugg.
(b) Snugg.
(c) Bugg.
(d) Rugg.

6. Merlin arranges for a boat and in it is a sealed ____.
(a) Locket.
(b) Book.
(c) Chest.
(d) Box.

7. Collecting Galahad and Derfel, Merlin leaves, pleased with his performance, amusing the ____.
(a) Prisoners.
(b) Peasants.
(c) Gods.
(d) Kings.

8. The firt clash of Lugg vale, Derfel insists, occurs in the ____.
(a) Valley clearing.
(b) Castle.
(c) Forest.
(d) River ford.

9. All sink to their knees as Merlin dares anyone to ____.
(a) Fight him.
(b) Defy him.
(c) Lie to him.
(d) Kill him.

10. Tanaburs claims that, if Derfel touches him, ____ will die.
(a) Derfel's mother.
(b) Derfel.
(c) Nimue.
(d) Arthur.

11. Arthur offers peace, friendship, and freedom, but demands Gundleus' life and an oath that Gorfyddyd had ____.
(a) Stolen.
(b) Died.
(c) Raped Nimue.
(d) Lied.

12. Derfel believes that Merlin has gone to ____ Nimue on the Isle Of The Dead.
(a) Rescue.
(b) Imprison.
(c) Kill.
(d) Join.

13. . Pagans and Christians agree that the Isle is a ____ place.
(a) Damned.
(b) Abandoned.
(c) Dangerous.
(d) Sacred.

14. Tanaburs alone remains loyal to the fallen ____.
(a) Princess.
(b) Queen.
(c) King.
(d) Prince.

15. Merlin has collected the lost Treasures of ____.
(a) Ireland.
(b) Scotland
(c) France.
(d) Britain.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ceinwyn blushes, seeing that ____ still wears her brooch.

2. Sagramor commands the spearmen, while Arthur takes ____ horsemen to attack the main body at Branogenium.

3. Tanaburs puts up a ghost fence and curses Nimue and ____ as they approach.

4. Men defiantly sing the War Song of Beli ____ when the enemy arrives.

5. Hearing that Merlin has not seen Nimue, Derfel proceeds to the ____.

(see the answer keys)

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