Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How does Jackson kill Alicia Crane?
2. What is the name of LuAnn's housekeeper, who is attacked and impersonated in order for Jackson to get past FBI agents?
3. What does LuAnn fail to offer Matt after he helps her escape Thomas Donovan's cottage?
4. What does LuAnn share all the details about with Matt after they are intimate for the first time?
5. What does Thomas Donovan tell LuAnn is his main motivation for meeting with her?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Jackson learn about the past of Matt Riggs?
2. What is the nature of the deal Matt tries to get for LuAnn's cooperation in outing the lottery scheme?
3. How does LuAnn react after noticing Jackson watching her outside her house in Chapter 43?
4. What does Charlie discover from Thomas Donovan's files after breaking into his house?
5. How is Jackson able to kidnap Lisa?
6. How does Thomas Donovan try and coerce LuAnn's cooperation in uncovering the lottery scam?
7. Describe what happens after Jackson reveals that his and Luann's deal is over, after breaking into her house.
8. How does Matt rescue LuAnn when she is trapped inside Thomas Donovan's house?
9. What is the nature of detective Hank Rollins' questions to Alicia Crane?
10. How do Matt and LuAnn escape from the FBI from her house?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Greed is one sentiment shown in many of the book's characters and is responsible for many of their actions.
Part 1.) What might the author be saying about the true nature of greed based on the detrimental circumstances that occurred with LuAnn in the book? Part 2.) What evidence is present to suggest one can overcome greed with love?
Part 3.) What can we learn about the true nature of greed based on Jackson's fate?
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the theme of being on the run that is portrayed in the book. What impact would constantly being on the run have on a person's character, and how did this effect LuAnn in the book?
Essay Topic 3
Discuss the concept of trust that is presented in the book. What must be present in order to have real trust in others, and what can we learn about trust being an act of faith based on LuAnn and Matt's relationship?
This section contains 724 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |