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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. During the dinner party in Chapter 7, how does Milly describe Maud to Lord Mark?
2. What color are the shades at Milly’s hotel in London?
3. In Chapter 1, what is the month?
4. In Chapter 1, what color cloth is on the principal table?
5. In Chapter 8, what is Susan’s word to describe Maud?
Short Essay Questions
1. How did Milly invite Susan to travel with her?
2. Why does Milly describe Maud as an idealist in Chapter 7?
3. What does Marian Condrip tell Milly about Merton Densher?
4. How did Milly and Susan travel to Europe?
5. At the beginning of Chapter 11, what does Lord Mark wish to show Milly?
6. In Chapter 11, what does Milly ask Kate to do?
7. Why is it difficult for Milly to guess Lord Mark’s age?
8. Why did Kate’s father ask her to come to his quarters in Book 1?
9. What Does Susan do for a living?
10. What does Susan believe made her a woman of the world?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In Chapter 22, Sir Street discusses Milly’s illness with Susan. Why isn’t Milly present during the discussion? How does Susan feel when she learns that Milly is dying? What does she determine to do once she knows how sick Milly is? To whom is all of Susan’s concern directed when she learns about Milly’s condition?
Essay Topic 2
In Chapter 5, Susan finds Milly sitting on the edge of a precipice. What is the first thought that goes through Susan’s mind? Does she have reasons to think that Milly is suicidal? What causes Susan to decide that Milly isn’t suicidal?
Essay Topic 3
The title of the novel is a reference to Milly and her dove-like qualities. In what way did Milly spread wings around or over those who were her friends? What adjectives describe Milly’s dove-like characteristics? How was Milly’s care for her friends dove-like?
This section contains 581 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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