The Wine-dark Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wine-dark Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Dutourd think Aubrey should consider him?
(a) As a superior.
(b) As a savior of mankind.
(c) As a fellow officer.
(d) As a friend.

2. What does Franklin do to lighten her load?
(a) Pumps freshwater into the ocean.
(b) Cuts the rope to the spare anchor.
(c) Tosses two cannons over board.
(d) Throws out all the seamen's trunks.

3. What type of work does Maturin do for the crown?
(a) Cartographer.
(b) Intelligence agent.
(c) Ambassador.
(d) Merchant marine.

4. Why does Maturin fear being recognized by the owner of the Franklin?
(a) He had dealings with the man's sister.
(b) He owes the man money.
(c) The owner knows Stepen is a drug addict.
(d) It might compromise his mission.

5. What does Maturin see Martin doing in sick bay?
(a) Smoking coca leaves.
(b) Treating a patient.
(c) Mixing a dose of medicine.
(d) Taking some pain killers.

Short Answer Questions

1. How has Franklin's crew weathered the volcanic eruption?

2. What does Maturin do to record his observations about Martin?

3. For whom is Aubrey making sea observations?

4. To what position is Henry Vidal promoted?

5. What do the various religious groups' men do when aboard ship?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Clarissa affect the crew of the Surprise?

2. What does Maturin think Clarissa has to do with Martin's present state of mind?

3. What kind of region has Surprise sail into in Chapter 2 and what has happened in that region?

4. What does Maturin write to Diana about Martin and how does Martin and Maturin's friendship fare?

5. What does Dutourd say about surrender and what does Aubrey discover in Franklin's papers?

6. How does Aubrey handle the taking of the Franklin and what is the most pressing need for the ship?

7. What do Maturin and Martin do on the Franklin?

8. Who is Clarissa Harvill, why was she on the Surprise, and what did Aubrey make her do?

9. What were the mortar rounds the Surprise crew thought were being sent at them?

10. How does Dutourd behave aboard the Surprise?

(see the answer keys)

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