The Wine-dark Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wine-dark Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Martin tell Maturin about birds?
(a) He thinks they should shoot any birds hanging around.
(b) He has no desire to see any new species of birds.
(c) He hates birds.
(d) He wants to save the birds who were injured in the volcano activity.

2. Why does Maturin fear being recognized by the owner of the Franklin?
(a) He had dealings with the man's sister.
(b) He owes the man money.
(c) The owner knows Stepen is a drug addict.
(d) It might compromise his mission.

3. What do Maturin and Aubrey do together?
(a) Play cards.
(b) Read aloud to each other.
(c) Paint watercolors.
(d) Play music.

4. How does the crew feel about the conditions around Surprise?
(a) They have a general foreboding.
(b) Curious.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Excited.

5. How have the crew members of the Franklin acquired skin lesions?
(a) Wearing pants made of sail canvas.
(b) They don't have skin lesions.
(c) Stiff and salty clothing.
(d) Not enough Vitamin C.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did the woman aboard the ship deal with the sexual advances of the men?

2. What does everyone at the dinner table oppose no matter their other beliefs?

3. Where is Surprise chasing Franklin?

4. What does Aubrey do about Franklin?

5. What does Martin do that is noticeable to Maturin?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Clarissa Harvill, why was she on the Surprise, and what did Aubrey make her do?

2. How have the crew fared during the event at the beginning of Chapter 2?

3. What is Franklin's advantage in a chase with Surprise and why does it seem Franklin cannot shake the Surprise?

4. What is happening in Martin and Maturin's relationship and what has Martin told Maturin?

5. What does Aubrey demand of Dutourd about Franklin and how does the crew of the Surprise feel about it?

6. How does Aubrey handle the taking of the Franklin and what is the most pressing need for the ship?

7. What are two promotions Aubrey makes from the forecastle to replace recent losses?

8. What does Dutourd say about surrender and what does Aubrey discover in Franklin's papers?

9. How does Reade accidentally slow down the Surprise?

10. What do Maturin and Martin do on the Franklin?

(see the answer keys)

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