The Wine-dark Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wine-dark Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Aubrey promote two men from the forecastle in Chapter 1?
(a) They saved the ship.
(b) To replace losses.
(c) He had to leave some crew ashore.
(d) He likes both of the men.

2. With what is Franklin armed?
(a) It has two sixteen pounders, one in front, one in back.
(b) It has five eight pound cannon.
(c) Carronades taken from Surprise's ballast.
(d) It has no armament.

3. What has risen from the sea in the region where Surprise is sailing?
(a) A small coral reef.
(b) A large, battle ship.
(c) A new island.
(d) An iceberg.

4. What is the worst situation on Franklin?
(a) No fresh water.
(b) There is a large hole below the waterline.
(c) Main mast is gone.
(d) All the sails have holes in them from the ash.

5. What does Maturin conclude about Martin?
(a) Martin thinks he is above the law.
(b) Martin doesn't see any problem with smoking coca.
(c) Martin considers himself unclean with sin.
(d) Martin thinks he is a physician.

6. Of what does Vidal complain to Maturin?
(a) Not getting enough pain killers.
(b) Being on the Franklin.
(c) Dutourd's speeches.
(d) Salt sores.

7. What is happening between Martin and Maturin?
(a) They have become lovers.
(b) They are having minor difficulties with each other.
(c) They have become sworn enemies.
(d) Nothing is happening between them.

8. Who is the owner of Franklin?
(a) Dutourd.
(b) Naston.
(c) Ashlely.
(d) DuPree.

9. What is wrong with most of Franklin's crew who aren't injured?
(a) Nothing is wrong with them.
(b) They are drunk.
(c) They are shell shocked.
(d) They don't know how to sail a ship.

10. How does the crew of Surprise feel about Aubrey's treatment of Dutourd and the Franklin?
(a) Confused.
(b) Indifferent.
(c) Happy.
(d) Angry.

11. Why does Maturin fear being recognized by the owner of the Franklin?
(a) It might compromise his mission.
(b) He had dealings with the man's sister.
(c) The owner knows Stepen is a drug addict.
(d) He owes the man money.

12. How does Dutourd think Aubrey should consider him?
(a) As a savior of mankind.
(b) As a friend.
(c) As a fellow officer.
(d) As a superior.

13. Two subjects that the religious groups from the town in question #50 are at odds about are ____________________.
(a) Polygamy and drinking alcoholic beverages.
(b) Taxes and war.
(c) Infant baptism and polygamy.
(d) Pre-marital sex and war.

14. What kind of philosophy does the owner of the Franklin espouse?
(a) All nations should be ruled by a king or queen.
(b) He has no philosophy of life.
(c) Man should exist in a state of anarchy.
(d) All men are equal and society should be classless and stateless.

15. What nationality is the Franklin?
(a) British.
(b) French.
(c) Spanish.
(d) American.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dutourd act like on the Surprise?

2. Why has West left the Royal Navy?

3. How have the crew members of the Franklin acquired skin lesions?

4. Why does Franklin want to lighten her load?

5. Where is Surprise chasing Franklin?

(see the answer keys)

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