The Wind-up Bird Chronicle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 12, Lieutenant Mamiya describes a secret mission he and Honda were a part of. What country did this mission illegally enter?
(a) Russia.
(b) Korea.
(c) Mongolia.
(d) India.

2. In Chapter 2, what does Toru Okada tell the woman on the street he needs?
(a) Eighty million yen.
(b) Food.
(c) A well.
(d) Love.

3. What career advice does Toru Okada recall Mr. Honda giving in Chapter 4?
(a) He should become a public defender.
(b) He should quit law.
(c) He should ask for a raise.
(d) He should start showing up late to work.

4. What animal inhabits the disgusting island that is the subject of Toru Okada's metaphorical story in Chapter 3?
(a) Monkeys.
(b) Crocodiles.
(c) Rhinos.
(d) Dogs.

5. In a reminiscence in Chapter 9, why does Kumiko refuse to speak to Toru Okada for three days?
(a) She gives no reason.
(b) He quits his job.
(c) He breaks a family heirloom.
(d) He almost cheats on her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Toru's uncle suggest he look up Mr. Ichikawa in Chapter 12?

2. How long does the American submarine in Chapter 9 give the Japanese transport before it fires in it?

3. At the beginning of Chapter 11, what does Toru remember doing with his father as a child?

4. How does May's visit to the bottom of the well affect her self image?

5. For what type of business does May Kasahara administer surveys?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information does Malt Kano provide Toru Okada in their first meeting in Chapter 3?

2. What is the Clumsy Massacre of Chapter 9?

3. Describe the interchange Toru has with the woman on the bench in Chapter 2?

4. How does pain return to Creta Kano's life?

5. Describe Kumiko and Toru Okada's first date.

6. Describe Toru Okada's dream at the end of Chapter 16?

7. Why is a local tabloid so concerned with the the Miyawaki house in Chapter 7?

8. What story about a house in Koru Okada's neighborhood does his uncle tell in Chapter 10?

9. Why are the Okadas estranged from the Watayas?

10. Why does Toru Okada choose to go into the well behind the old Miyawaki house?

(see the answer keys)

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