The Wind-up Bird Chronicle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the veterinarian worrying about at the beginning of Chapter 26?
(a) The elephants.
(b) The approaching Russian army.
(c) His wife and child.
(d) His health.

2. What does Toru do in the dreams Kumiko regularly has?
(a) Kills her.
(b) Makes love to her.
(c) Passes her by.
(d) Forgives her.

3. What are the prisoners that the young lieutenant escorts wearing in Chapter 26?
(a) Baseball uniforms.
(b) Dress military uniforms.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Civilian clothes.

4. Who does Nutmeg suspect is the source of the tabloid stories?
(a) Kumiko.
(b) Toru Okada.
(c) Cinnamon.
(d) Noboru Wataya.

5. What sound awakens Toru at the end of Chapter 37?
(a) Wind.
(b) Bells.
(c) A scream.
(d) The wind-up bird's call.

6. What has Noboru Wataya decided about his relationship with Kumiko by the end of the novel?
(a) He will do what ever she wants to do.
(b) He is through with her.
(c) He has not made a decision.
(d) He will wait for her to get out of jail.

7. Why are the mountains an ideal place for the wig factory?
(a) The temperature is perfect for the hair.
(b) The locals have long hair to sell.
(c) The women are used to detailed handwork.
(d) There are no unions.

8. Chapter 12, what business is M's successful husband in?
(a) Import/Export.
(b) Entertainment industry.
(c) Stock investment.
(d) Real estate.

9. Whose voice does Toru Okada hear at the beginning of Chapter 34?
(a) Noboru Wataya's.
(b) His own.
(c) Kumiko's.
(d) Mr. Honda's.

10. What does May do the night when she feels genuinely happy?
(a) She takes off her clothes.
(b) She sings to herself.
(c) She goes for a swim.
(d) She wuits her job.

11. Why is Mamiya initially unable to shoot Boris in Chapter 32?
(a) Boris disarms him.
(b) He has no bullets.
(c) He lasks the resolve.
(d) His gun jams.

12. What strange part of her anatomy does Malto Kano reveal in Chapter 30?
(a) Cloven hooves.
(b) A third breast.
(c) A tail.
(d) Male genitalia.

13. What mystical being does Ushikawa liken himself to in Chapter 15?
(a) A genie.
(b) A siren.
(c) A satyr.
(d) A dragon.

14. In Chapter 37, what has happens to Noboru Wataya in real life?
(a) He is shot.
(b) He is forced to resign.
(c) He is elected to a high government post.
(d) He has a stroke.

15. What political party does Yoshitaka Wataya belong to?
(a) The libertarians.
(b) The reformists.
(c) The labor.
(d) The conservatives.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 15, which of the following bits of information does Ushikawa know about Toru?

2. What is the title of the document Toru finds in the computer at the end of Chapter 25?

3. How long does it take Cinnamon to learn a language?

4. What advise does Mamiya leave Toru with in Chapter 32?

5. How long does Mamiya assist Boris in the prison camp?

(see the answer keys)

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