The Wild Robot Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter Brown
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The Wild Robot Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What specific speech pattern does Chitchat use whenever she speaks?
(a) Pig Latin.
(b) Run-on sentences.
(c) A lisp.
(d) A stutter.

2. What is NOT part of Roz's and Brightbill's nightly routine?
(a) Roz tends the fire if it is cold and fans Brightbill if it is hot.
(b) Brightbill sleeps on the moss bench while Roz goes outside for a long nighttime walk.
(c) Roz brings Brightbill food or water if he wakes up hungry or thirsty.
(d) Roz rocks Brightbill back to sleep if he has nightmares.

3. What is Roz's reply when Brightbill asks if he can stay on the island with Roz rather than migrating with the other geese?
(a) She says that he will die if he stays.
(b) She says that if he can get five other geese to agree to stay as well, that Roz will let Brightbill stay.
(c) She says that she will ask Loudwing.
(d) She says she does not think that is a good idea and that she thinks he should migrate with the flock.

4. When Roz finds out that Rockmouth has been angry due to the beaver dam blocking him from his river home, what does she do?
(a) Transports him back to his river home.
(b) Tells him to adapt to his new surroundings and to stop trying to hurt other animals.
(c) Smashes the beaver dam.
(d) Builds him his own special pond.

5. When Longneck ask if anyone has questions before the geese begin their journey, what does Roz ask?
(a) She asks where Brightbill should fly in the formation since he does not have other family members flying with him.
(b) She asks how she is supposed to survive without her son.
(c) She asks if she can have one more hug from Brightbill.
(d) She asks when the geese will return.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Roz decide to do when she realizes that the Nest is at its capacity?

2. What advice does Loudwing give to Roz about Brightbill's recent bad behavior?

3. When Roz steps outside the nest and sees snow, she sees shapes underneath the snow. What do the shapes turn out to be?

4. Where do Roz and Brightbill spend most of their time when he is still a gosling?

5. What reason does Roz give Brightbill for wanting to wait to show him the robot graveyard?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Roz do when she discovers that the harsh winter conditions have killed many of the island's creatures while she has been hibernating?

2. How does Roz feel about the relationship between Brightbill and Chitchat?

3. What is significant about the events that transpire on Swimming Day?

4. When Roz and Brightbill seek out Loudwing to tell them about migration, what does she report?

5. What feelings does Brightbill express when he calls his family a strange one?

6. What does Crag the turtle reveal about the environmental observations he has made over the years?

7. What is the significance of the old routine to which Brightbill and Roz return the night before he leaves for the migration?

8. How does a community effort result in a drastic reduction of any further freezing deaths that winter?

9. Why does Brightbill become a target of teasing for the other goslings?

10. What is the significance of the revelation that among the migratory birds who will have to leave the island are the geese?

(see the answer keys)

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