The Wild Robot Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Peter Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Wild Robot Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Peter Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the otters accidentally activate Roz?
(a) By squealing at a particular frequency.
(b) By tipping the crate over.
(c) By pushing a button on the back of her head.
(d) By turning her toward the sun.

2. When the owl refuses Roz's first request of the island's animals, what does he give as his reason?
(a) She seems unnatural to him.
(b) He is afraid he will be eaten.
(c) He believes her request is a trick to get them to be her friends.
(d) She does not seem to need any survival techniques.

3. When asked where she has come from, what does Roz say?
(a) "I am from LabTech Industries."
(b) "I am from Cincinnati."
(c) "I am home now."
(d) "I come from here."

4. When Roz is observing the processes of childbirth and rearing, what species does she NOT observe?
(a) A chick.
(b) A deer.
(c) A snake.
(d) A gosling.

5. When Roz begins to clean off the sticky substance, what happens to thwart her efforts?
(a) The sticky substance causes her hands to stick together.
(b) Bees land on the sticky substance and thus stick to Roz as well.
(c) Pine needles land on the sticky substance and thus stick to Roz as well.
(d) The sticky substance gets onto all of her body parts as she tries to clean it off.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first pseudo-emotion that Roz feels upon her activation?

2. What does Roz say to her pursuers when they threaten her?

3. What do the camouflaged creature and Roz do when they encounter one another?

4. When the gosling hatches and asks for food, what does Roz do?

5. How many crates of robots are there in total?

Short Essay Questions

1. What pseudo-emotion does Roz feel when she sees that the island creatures have made it through the storm just fine?

2. What does Roz realize once the sun fully charges her battery and what does this realization cause her to do?

3. Why are Roz's decisions about how to use her headlights in the wilderness significant to the story?

4. What event occurs that is an impetus to ending Roz's loneliness and alienation?

5. How does Roz apply the lesson she learns from the stick insect?

6. What does getting hit by a wave teach both Roz and the reader?

7. What types of creatures does Roz first study to begin her gradual acquisition of the many languages spoken on the island?

8. What lesson does Roz learn from the stick insect and how does she acknowledge his ability to help her?

9. Though the beavers are the experts when it comes to building, there is one main thing they cannot do. What is it and how does the author demonstrate that all of us have our own unique areas of expertise?

10. What does Roz reveal about herself once she begins to speak after being activated?

(see the answer keys)

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