The Wild Robot Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Brown
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The Wild Robot Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is NOT part of Roz's and Brightbill's nightly routine?
(a) Roz brings Brightbill food or water if he wakes up hungry or thirsty.
(b) Roz tends the fire if it is cold and fans Brightbill if it is hot.
(c) Roz rocks Brightbill back to sleep if he has nightmares.
(d) Brightbill sleeps on the moss bench while Roz goes outside for a long nighttime walk.

2. What does Chitchat tell Brightbill on the day of migration that makes him smile?
(a) She says she will look after Roz for him.
(b) She says that she has been trying to grow wings so that she could join the migration.
(c) She says that she will miss him terribly.
(d) She says that she will think of new jokes while he is gone so she has a lot saved up for when he returns.

3. Before plants are installed in the garden, what favor does Tawny ask of the neighbors?
(a) To aerate the soil but digging their claws and hooves into it.
(b) To gather seeds from the forest.
(c) To install an irrigation system using the river as the source of the water.
(d) To leave their droppings on the garden.

4. When Longneck ask if anyone has questions before the geese begin their journey, what does Roz ask?
(a) She asks how she is supposed to survive without her son.
(b) She asks where Brightbill should fly in the formation since he does not have other family members flying with him.
(c) She asks when the geese will return.
(d) She asks if she can have one more hug from Brightbill.

5. What materials does Roz use to patch the hole that has developed in the roof of the Nest?
(a) Branches, mud, and leaves.
(b) Rope, branches, and robot parts.
(c) Honey, tar, and feathers.
(d) Mud, seashells, and twigs.

6. After Roz fixes the hole in the roof of the Nest, she shouts something out into the night. What does she shout?
(a) She shouts that she is lonely.
(b) She shouts to the island's animals that there will be a mass funeral the following day.
(c) She shouts to the island's animals that they do not have to freeze, for they are welcome in her warm lodge.
(d) She shouts to the island's animals that the geese will be returning from their migration the following day.

7. Why are the otters no longer afraid of Roz when they encounter her again near the robot graveyard?
(a) They see that Roz is accompanied by a goose, so they assume she will not hurt animals.
(b) They have seen other robots since then and have come to no harm.
(c) They have heard that Roz is friendly and that she has adopted a gosling.
(d) Roz makes an effort this time to show them her peaceful intentions.

8. What method does Roz use in order to determine if the pond is safe to cross?
(a) She chops a tree down and watches it bounce off the ice as it falls.
(b) She throws a torch onto the ice.
(c) She asks Broadfoot the moose to check if the ice is solid.
(d) She throws a heavy rock onto the ice and watches it bounce.

9. What does Roz decide to do when she realizes that the Nest is at its capacity?
(a) She decides to build a greater number of lodges.
(b) She adds a second story to the Nest.
(c) She leaves the Nest to make room for more animals.
(d) She sets a rotating schedule of who can stay in the lodge which night of the week.

10. What does Brightbill's yellow fluff turn into when he moves out of childhood?
(a) A coat of silky white feathers.
(b) A coat of silky brown feathers.
(c) A layer of white downy fluff.
(d) A rough coat of quills that will later grow into feathers.

11. The night before the migration of the geese, what old routine do Roz and Brightbill return to?
(a) Brightbill crawls into Roz's arms and she rocks him to sleep.
(b) Brightbill wakes up every hour and asks Roz for a drink of water and a snack.
(c) Roz keeps watch outside while Brightbill stays in by the fire.
(d) Brightbill sleeps outside while Roz stays in by the fire.

12. When Roz steps outside the nest and sees snow, she sees shapes underneath the snow. What do the shapes turn out to be?
(a) Other lodges.
(b) Snowdrifts.
(c) Bushes.
(d) Frozen animal corpses.

13. Which of the goslings becomes the leader of the other goslings during their flying expeditions?
(a) Longneck.
(b) Chitchat.
(c) Loudwing.
(d) Brightbill.

14. How does Roz find out why Rockmouth is so angry?
(a) Paddler tells her.
(b) Swooper tells her.
(c) She threatens him with letting the bears loose on him unless he tells her the source of his anger.
(d) She puts him by himself in a small pond and waits for him to explain himself.

15. How old is Chitchat when Brightbill first meets her?
(a) One year.
(b) Six months.
(c) Two years.
(d) Twelve and a half weeks.

Short Answer Questions

1. For the first several weeks after Brightbill's departure, Roz spends her time in one particular way. What does she do?

2. Why is it impossible for Roz to participate in the following day's occasion with Brightbill?

3. What does Roz tell Chitchat when she asks the meaning of the word "celestial"?

4. What does Roz say when Brightbill asks her if she too has instincts?

5. When Digdown gives a speech one night, he says that if he could live his life all over again, he would spend more time doing a certain activity. What is that activity?

(see the answer keys)

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