The Wild Robot Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Brown
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The Wild Robot Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After others sharing what they think Roz's purpose is, she says that perhaps she does know what her purpose is. What does she say she thinks her purpose may be?
(a) To be a good mother to Brightbill.
(b) To love everyone.
(c) To help others.
(d) To serve humans.

2. What is NOT one safety feature added to the rebuilt lodge?
(a) A taller ceiling.
(b) A deeper fire pit.
(c) A supply of water for emergencies.
(d) A moat around the lodge.

3. What sound always makes Brightbill fall fast asleep?
(a) The sound of thunder.
(b) The sound of rain.
(c) The sound of ocean waves.
(d) The sound of chirping magpies.

4. What does Mrs. Beaver suggest Roz do with Rockfish?
(a) Put him into a fishbowl.
(b) Toss him to the vultures.
(c) Trap him under the ice.
(d) Fry him up for dinner.

5. What does Roz do when she sees Brightbill swallowing pebbles on the beach?
(a) She tells him it is fine to eat pebbles because eating just a few will help him digest his food.
(b) She holds him upside down and hopes the pebbles will fall out of his mouth.
(c) She gives him cod liver oil in hopes that they will help him digest the pebbles.
(d) She shakes him to see if she can hear the pebbles rattling around.

6. What pseudo-emotion does Roz feel about the friendship between Brightbill and Chitchat?
(a) Annoyance.
(b) Happiness.
(c) Protectiveness.
(d) Jealousy.

7. What method does Roz use in order to determine if the pond is safe to cross?
(a) She chops a tree down and watches it bounce off the ice as it falls.
(b) She asks Broadfoot the moose to check if the ice is solid.
(c) She throws a torch onto the ice.
(d) She throws a heavy rock onto the ice and watches it bounce.

8. What material does Mr. Beaver use to construct a new foot for Roz?
(a) Dead robot parts.
(b) Pressed flowers.
(c) Stone.
(d) Wood.

9. When autumn arrives and the animals begin to prepare for winter, the scaly animals look for new home and the feather animals grow more feathers. What do the furry animals do?
(a) They grow more fur.
(b) They swim in the cold water once a day to begin acclimating to the coming cold temperatures.
(c) They rush to build warmer homes.
(d) They gather food for storing.

10. Why are the otters no longer afraid of Roz when they encounter her again near the robot graveyard?
(a) They have seen other robots since then and have come to no harm.
(b) They have heard that Roz is friendly and that she has adopted a gosling.
(c) They see that Roz is accompanied by a goose, so they assume she will not hurt animals.
(d) Roz makes an effort this time to show them her peaceful intentions.

11. What does Brightbill's yellow fluff turn into when he moves out of childhood?
(a) A rough coat of quills that will later grow into feathers.
(b) A coat of silky white feathers.
(c) A layer of white downy fluff.
(d) A coat of silky brown feathers.

12. Why is it impossible for Roz to participate in the following day's occasion with Brightbill?
(a) Because she has to stay at home and recharge.
(b) Because the rite of passage requires that parents stay behind.
(c) Because robots cannot fly.
(d) Because if water gets into her body, it will cause damage.

13. What causes Roz to propose a perpetual truce within the Nest?
(a) Swooper suggests it to her.
(b) She notices that everyone's hunger is growing.
(c) She looks around and sees predators lying with prey but wonders how long the peace can last.
(d) After a fox eats a hare right in front of the fire, she worries that more deaths will occur in the Nest.

14. What is Roz's reply when Brightbill asks if he can stay on the island with Roz rather than migrating with the other geese?
(a) She says that she will ask Loudwing.
(b) She says she does not think that is a good idea and that she thinks he should migrate with the flock.
(c) She says that he will die if he stays.
(d) She says that if he can get five other geese to agree to stay as well, that Roz will let Brightbill stay.

15. What advice does Loudwing give to Roz about Brightbill's recent bad behavior?
(a) She tells Roz that it is natural for adolescents to be moody and that he just needs to be alone for a while.
(b) She tells Roz that she should go ask Swooper for advice about what to do.
(c) She tells Roz that she must punish Brightbill for his behavior.
(d) She tells Roz to forget about it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Brightbill say when Roz asks him why he has not yet visited the robot graveyard?

2. What materials does Roz use to patch the hole that has developed in the roof of the Nest?

3. When Roz and Brightbill have questions about the migration, to whom do they go for answers?

4. When asked about her purpose, what is Roz's immediate reply?

5. What does Roz decide to do when she realizes that the Nest is at its capacity?

(see the answer keys)

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