The Wild Robot Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter Brown
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The Wild Robot Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Once she spots the perfect place on top of the mountain, how long does it take Roz to hike there?
(a) An hour.
(b) Fifteen minutes.
(c) Three hours.
(d) Six hours.

2. When Roz begins to understand how the deer speak, what does she say about their speech?
(a) That they speak a different language than the elk.
(b) That the adults use one pattern of speech and the fawns use another.
(c) That they mostly use their bodies to speak.
(d) That they use such quiet voices that she does not understand how they hear one another.

3. How many geese does Roz accidentally kill when she slides down the cliff in the rainstorm?
(a) Two.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Six.

4. When asked where she has come from, what does Roz say?
(a) "I come from here."
(b) "I am from LabTech Industries."
(c) "I am home now."
(d) "I am from Cincinnati."

5. What type of bird begins to circle Roz's head when it feels she is threatening its nest?
(a) A robin.
(b) An eagle.
(c) A falcon.
(d) A bluejay.

6. After the very first time Roz experiences a fall, what does she do immediately afterward?
(a) She deactivates herself.
(b) She lies down to recuperate.
(c) She jumps into a tree and starts to swing from branch to branch rather than walking.
(d) She cleans herself.

7. Upon discovering one unharmed egg from the broken goose nest, what does Roz do?
(a) She sets it back inside the splintered nest.
(b) She gives it to Fink the fox.
(c) She cooks it.
(d) She picks it up and cradles it in her hand.

8. How many crates of robots are there in total?
(a) Hundreds.
(b) Dozens.
(c) Scores.
(d) Thousands.

9. When Roz finds a patch of ground she likes, what does she see as being its third good quality in addition to being flat and open?
(a) It has a cave next to it.
(b) It has a large boulder on which she can sit.
(c) It overlooks the water.
(d) It is carpeted with pine needles.

10. What is the setting for the beginning of the novel?
(a) The ocean.
(b) The cliffside.
(c) The greenhouse.
(d) The lodge.

11. When Roz begins to clean off the sticky substance, what happens to thwart her efforts?
(a) Pine needles land on the sticky substance and thus stick to Roz as well.
(b) The sticky substance gets onto all of her body parts as she tries to clean it off.
(c) The sticky substance causes her hands to stick together.
(d) Bees land on the sticky substance and thus stick to Roz as well.

12. What does Loudwing tell Roz she will have to do if she wants the gosling to survive?
(a) Act like his mother.
(b) Build him a nest in a tree.
(c) Keep him away from the foxes.
(d) Give him a name.

13. What two metamorphic processes does Roz watch happen during her camouflaged hiding?
(a) Tadpoles becoming frogs and caterpillars becoming butterflies.
(b) Caterpillars becoming moths and tadpoles becoming frogs.
(c) Ducks becoming platypuses and tadpoles becoming frogs.
(d) Tadpoles becoming toads and moths becoming butterflies.

14. What is the first pseudo-emotion that Roz feels upon her activation?
(a) Boredom.
(b) Curiosity.
(c) Sadness.
(d) Anger.

15. After descending the mountain, what is the first thing Roz does?
(a) Looks for an energy source.
(b) Fixes her broken foot.
(c) Looks for new friends.
(d) Cleans herself.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of Roz's robot tools does she use at first, but then turn off when she decides it is inappropriate in this environment?

2. What new place does Roz spot that looks like a perfect new place for her to stay?

3. From what creature does Roz learn the value of camouflage?

4. When Roz encounters an old goose, what is the first question she asks the goose?

5. What do the camouflaged creature and Roz do when they encounter one another?

(see the answer keys)

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