The Wild Muir: Twenty-two of John Muir's Greatest Adventures Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wild Muir: Twenty-two of John Muir's Greatest Adventures Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How high did John climb in Chapter 15?
(a) 150 feet.
(b) 50 feet.
(c) 400 feet.
(d) 100 feet.

2. What did John encourage people to focus on during a storm?
(a) The trees.
(b) The wind.
(c) The animals.
(d) The rain.

3. What animal was John initially prejudiced against in Chapter 11?
(a) Pythons.
(b) Rattlesnakes.
(c) Garden snakes.
(d) Boa constrictors.

4. How did John reassure the group's worry as he led them up Mount Shasta?
(a) He said he packed extra supplies.
(b) He said they could quickly get back down the mountain.
(c) He said the animals were all peaceful on Mount Shasta.
(d) He said there was a path they were following.

5. The Yosemite indigenous believed that _____________ caused the natural event that was discussed in Chapter 12.
(a) The god of the mountains.
(b) Angry spirits.
(c) White settlers.
(d) Another tribe's medicine man.

6. What does John want to track the origin of in Chapter 12?
(a) A family of foxes.
(b) Rivers.
(c) Craters.
(d) Taluses.

7. On which side of the Sierra Nevada did a natural event occur in Chapter 12?
(a) North.
(b) East.
(c) West.
(d) South.

8. On what day did John lead a party up Mount Shasta?
(a) June 16th.
(b) May 9th.
(c) April 28th.
(d) April 16th.

9. What were important to farmers in California, according to Chapter 11?
(a) Rodents.
(b) Garden snakes.
(c) Moths.
(d) Rattlesnakes.

10. In what year did Chapter 15 occur?
(a) 1873.
(b) 1875.
(c) 1876.
(d) 1874.

11. On what day did Chapter 12 take place?
(a) August 6.
(b) March 26.
(c) March 16.
(d) October 29.

12. What was the lake in Chapter 17 known for?
(a) Lily pads and flowers almost year-round.
(b) Ducks.
(c) Frequent storms.
(d) Flooding.

13. How wide was the crevasse John and the dog encountered on a glacier?
(a) 40 feet.
(b) 50 feet.
(c) 30 feet.
(d) 60 feet.

14. How did John feel about the animal he was prejudiced against after a time?
(a) He resented it.
(b) He respected it.
(c) He feared it.
(d) He felt indifferent toward it.

15. Why did John have to move around the base of the mountain before climbing it?
(a) To leave markers for himself to get back.
(b) To find the best view.
(c) To find a scalable point.
(d) To find the path cut by previous mountaineers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did John and his friend spend several days at a campsite on their excursion?

2. Who was NOT one of the friends John is probably referring to in Chapter 17?

3. Where did John and his friends seek refuge in the adventure on the lake?

4. What was John's friend's job, according to Chapter 13?

5. Why did John do something different at the half-way point of the mountain?

(see the answer keys)

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