The Wild Iris Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wild Iris Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what way does the speaker in "Matins" (#6) feel her affliction is different than the sick rose?
(a) The sick rose is cared for by the gardener.
(b) The sick rose stays among other roses while she remains apart from others.
(c) She knows how to heal the rose, but not herself.
(d) The sick rose still has the sunlight.

2. Who does the speaker say God created mistrust between in "Vespers" (#6)?
(a) Brother and brother.
(b) Brother and sister.
(c) Mother and daughter.
(d) Father and son.

3. Where does the person in "Vespers" (#1) suggest God may only exist?
(a) In one's mind.
(b) In the sunrise.
(c) In other countries.
(d) In warmer climates.

4. What does the speaker in "Vespers" (#2) apologize for failing to do at the start of the poem?
(a) Believe in God.
(b) Share the tomato crop with her family.
(c) Produce a succesful tomato crop.
(d) Find proof God exists.

5. Why does the speaker say humans suffer at the end of "Early Darkness"?
(a) Because they touched each other.
(b) Because they were born.
(c) Because they do not believe in Him.
(d) Because they forget to pray.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the speaker in "Jacob's Ladder"?

2. What does the speaker in "Vespers" (#3) think might be God's gift to her so that she is aware she needs Him?

3. What do the daisies think people are more interested in than nature in "Daisies"?

4. Why does the speaker feel it is difficult to please all creations?

5. What time of year is everything possible according to the speaker in "Heaven and Earth"?

Short Essay Questions

1. "In Doorway," how does the poet describe the late spring?

2. What does the poet say were some of the signs God existed in her youth in "Vespers" (#6)?

3. Why does God say he is not pleased with His creations in "End of Summer"?

4. What is different about John's peace in comparison to the poet's in "Vespers" (#4)?

5. In "Vespers" (#4), where does the poet say she knows God is?

6. In "Vespers" (#3), why does the poet think she is "uniquely/ suited to praise [God]" (38)?

7. What does the clover question in regards to people's view of the four leaf clover in "Clover"?

8. What does the jacob's ladder plant think may be the reason for the woman's grief in "Jacob's Ladder"?

9. In "The Doorway," how does the poet liken the flowers in spring to a child's behavior?

10. What is different about the way the poet in "Song" sees the rose compared to how her husband sees it?

(see the answer keys)

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