The Wild Iris Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wild Iris Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the speaker in "Matins" (#7) call God?
(a) Dear friend.
(b) Delightful man.
(c) Deceitful creator.
(d) Master of all.

2. What is described as "the heart's constant backdrop" (27) in "Song"?
(a) The dark.
(b) The blue sky.
(c) The light.
(d) The summer breeze.

3. What time of year is it in "Matins" (#5)?
(a) End of summer.
(b) Beginning of spring.
(c) Early winter.
(d) Late fall.

4. What does the speaker wonder if the person s/he is addressing looks for while looking beyond the field?
(a) Heaven.
(b) A sign the rain is coming.
(c) A sign from God.
(d) A better place to garden.

5. What does the speaker in "Vespers" (#5) say she lives mostly in at the start of the poem?
(a) Darkness.
(b) Solitude.
(c) Religious contemplation.
(d) The garden.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the speaker in "Vespers" (#3) think might be God's gift to her so that she is aware she needs Him?

2. Who is the speaker in "Field Flowers"?

3. Who does the speaker in "Field Flowers" address?

4. Why does the speaker feel it is difficult to please all creations?

5. Who is "the lord in heaven" according to the poppy in "The Red Poppy"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is different about the way the poet in "Song" sees the rose compared to how her husband sees it?

2. What is the gardener in "Matins" (#5) doing while she pretends to weed?

3. In what way is the speaker in "Matins" (#6) different from the sick rose?

4. What does the clover question in regards to people's view of the four leaf clover in "Clover"?

5. What does the flower ask the human at the start of "Field Flowers"?

6. In "Vespers" (#3), why does the poet think she is "uniquely/ suited to praise [God]" (38)?

7. In "Daisies," what do the daisies tell the poet will happen is she tries to share her "impressions of the natural world" (39) with others?

8. What does the poet say were some of the signs God existed in her youth in "Vespers" (#6)?

9. What is different about John's peace in comparison to the poet's in "Vespers" (#4)?

10. Why does the poet in "Vespers" (#1) plant a fig tree in Vermont?

(see the answer keys)

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