The Wild Iris Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wild Iris Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the speaker in "Matins" (#7)?
(a) The sun.
(b) The poet.
(c) The earth.
(d) God.

2. What is the "sign of blessedness" (30) referred to in "Clover"?
(a) God.
(b) The summer breeze.
(c) A four-leaf clover.
(d) The sun shine.

3. Who or what is the speaker in "Heaven and Earth"?
(a) The poet's husband.
(b) God.
(c) The poet.
(d) The horizon.

4. What does the speaker say s/he regrets thinking of humanity as in "Matins" (#7)?
(a) A waste of time.
(b) Selfish.
(c) An experiment.
(d) A joke.

5. What does the person in "Vespers" (#1) try to plant as a test of God's existence?
(a) A peach tree.
(b) A fig tree.
(c) A tomato crop.
(d) An apricot tree.

6. What does the speaker in "Vespers" (#5) say she lives mostly in at the start of the poem?
(a) Religious contemplation.
(b) Darkness.
(c) The garden.
(d) Solitude.

7. What do humans view most of the clovers in the garden as in "Clover"?
(a) A weed.
(b) Proof of God's existence.
(c) A sign of blessedness.
(d) A thing of beauty.

8. What does the speaker in "Vespers" (#1) say she does more intensely than others?
(a) Eats tomatoes.
(b) Gardens.
(c) Praises God.
(d) Despairs.

9. Why does the red poppy say it is speaking at the end of "The Red Poppy"?
(a) Because it has found God.
(b) Because it cares for humanity.
(c) Because it is scared.
(d) Because it is shattered.

10. What does the speaker in "Matins" (#7) call God?
(a) Master of all.
(b) Deceitful creator.
(c) Dear friend.
(d) Delightful man.

11. In what way does the speaker in "Matins" (#6) feel her affliction is different than the sick rose?
(a) The sick rose stays among other roses while she remains apart from others.
(b) She knows how to heal the rose, but not herself.
(c) The sick rose is cared for by the gardener.
(d) The sick rose still has the sunlight.

12. What do the daisies think people are more interested in than nature in "Daisies"?
(a) Technology.
(b) Video games.
(c) Writing about nature.
(d) Reading.

13. Who does the speaker in "Field Flowers" address?
(a) The tall grass.
(b) The poet.
(c) A field of flowers.
(d) God.

14. Who or what does the speaker in "Heaven and Earth" observe as wanting it all as s/he stands on the horizon?
(a) God.
(b) John.
(c) The poet.
(d) The garden.

15. How does the speaker in "End of Summer" refer to humanity?
(a) Poor inspired creation.
(b) Master of everything.
(c) Self indulgent experiment.
(d) Disgraced beings.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the person in "Vespers" (#1) suggest God may only exist?

2. Who or what does the speaker in "Jacob's Ladder" address?

3. Who is the speaker in "Field Flowers"?

4. Who is the field of daisies addressing in "Daisies"?

5. Who is God speaking to in "Harvest"?

(see the answer keys)

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