The Wild Iris Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wild Iris Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the speaker in "Retreating Wind"?
(a) God.
(b) The ocean.
(c) The wind.
(d) The poet.

2. Who does the speaker in "Matins" (#4) address?
(a) God.
(b) The sky.
(c) The birch tree.
(d) The poet.

3. The poet in "Matins" (#3) asks God if He may be more inconsistent like what type of plant?
(a) Trillium.
(b) Iris.
(c) Foxglove.
(d) Lamium.

4. What does God feel people have failed to do despite his effort in "Clear Morning'?
(a) Behave.
(b) Repent.
(c) Succeed.
(d) Accept Him.

5. What does the speaker in "April" tell the couple has been distributed among all creatures?
(a) Joy.
(b) God's love.
(c) Grief.
(d) God's anger.

6. What flower with white marks is referenced at the end of "April"?
(a) Wild Rose.
(b) Scilla.
(c) Iris.
(d) Violet.

7. What does the speaker in "Love in Moonlight" say people sometimes force on one another?
(a) Their own despair.
(b) Their disbelief in God.
(c) Their religious fervor.
(d) Their passion.

8. Who is the speaker in the poem "Wild Iris"?
(a) The poet.
(b) The poet's husband.
(c) God.
(d) The iris.

9. Who does the speaker of "Scilla" address?
(a) The dirt.
(b) A human audience.
(c) God.
(d) Another plant.

10. What does the speaker in "The Garden" find it unbearable to look at?
(a) The light rain.
(b) A row of peas.
(c) A young couple.
(d) The fresh dirt.

11. What does God tell humanity they will no hear in the other world in "End of Winter"?
(a) Their own voice.
(b) God's voice.
(c) Rainfall.
(d) The wind.

12. What is the young couple doing in "The Garden"?
(a) Planting a row of peas.
(b) Planting tomato plants.
(c) Weeding the garden.
(d) Planting irises.

13. What does God tell humanity they can do in "Spring Snow"?
(a) Close their eyes.
(b) Stop calling to Him.
(c) Stop believing in Him.
(d) Forget about immortality.

14. Where does the speaker of "Retreating Wind" tell his audience they will not find what they are looking for?
(a) In the garden.
(b) In prayer.
(c) In heaven.
(d) In God's love.

15. Why does the witchgrass feel humans even bothered to give it a name in "Witchgrass"?
(a) To be able to talk about it.
(b) To create something new.
(c) To write poems about it.
(d) To have one more slur.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom does the speaker in "Matins" (#2) speak?

2. Who is the speaker of "Matins" (#3)?

3. Who is the speaker in "Spring Snow"?

4. In "Matins" (#1), what types of people does Noah say "hate the spring" (2)?

5. The speaker in "Retreating Wind" tells his audience that their lives are not what, like the plants?

(see the answer keys)

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