The Wife Between Us Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Wife Between Us Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What information does the narrator learn about her ex-husband in Chapter Two?
(a) He is engaged.
(b) He is married.
(c) He is single.
(d) He is dating.

2. What does Richard give to Vanessa at the end of Chapter Twenty-Two?
(a) A bracelet.
(b) A subpoena.
(c) A designer dress.
(d) A check.

3. What example does Vanessa use in Chapter Nineteen to convince Richard’s fiancée of his spitefulness?
(a) The wine.
(b) The pizza.
(c) Her cell phone.
(d) Plane tickets.

4. What good luck charm does Vanessa remember Richard giving her in Chapter Eight?
(a) A rabbit's foot.
(b) A teddy bear.
(c) A gym membership.
(d) A tennis bracelet.

5. According to Vanessa in Chapter Twenty-Two, when did all her problems begin?
(a) The flight.
(b) Birth.
(c) College.
(d) Childhood.

Short Answer Questions

1. What group harasses Nellie in Chapter Eleven?

2. Whom does Vanessa call for help in Chapter Twelve?

3. Where is Richard as Chapter Nine begins?

4. Who is Nellie scheduled to meet for the first time in Chapter Eleven?

5. What does Sam lose in Chapter Fifteen?

Short Essay Questions

1. What package does Vanessa receive in Chapter Twelve? What does she think about this package?

2. According to Charlotte in Chapter Twenty, how did Vanessa start to change after marrying Richard?

3. What does Vanessa remember about her mother in Chapter Ten? How does she compare herself to her mother?

4. Who is Vanessa? What does the reader learn about her in Chapter Two?

5. How does Nellie feel about Richard? How do others feel about Richard, as revealed in Chapter One?

6. How do Nellie and Richard meet? What happens during their meeting, as revealed in Chapter Three?

7. What does Richard’s neighbor tell Nellie in Chapter Nine?

8. What request does Richard make of Nellie in Chapter Five? How does she respond, and what does he do in return?

9. What information is revealed to Richard in Chapter Eight? How does he learn this information, and how does he react?

10. Who is Daniel Barton? What does the reader learn about him in Chapter Twenty-One?

(see the answer keys)

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