The Widening Gyre Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Widening Gyre Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In which part of his bullet does Spenser take a bullet?
(a) His thigh.
(b) His arm.
(c) His ear.
(d) His leg.

2. What does Spenser want Broz to do?
(a) Punish his son.
(b) Destroy the tape of Ronni.
(c) Stop working for Browne.
(d) Give him money.

3. What does Spenser say Joe will do if he wants to kill him?
(a) Do it himself.
(b) Blow up his house.
(c) Kill Spenser's loved ones.
(d) Keep trying.

4. What does Quirk ask Spenser to explain?
(a) How he got involved with Joe Broz.
(b) Why did Meade hire him.
(c) Why he shot two men in broad daylight.
(d) What happened on the jogging trail.

5. What is the man replacing at Gerry's apartment?
(a) A part of the roof.
(b) A wall.
(c) Glass.
(d) A door.

6. Against whom does Spenser tell Gerry's clients he is building a case?
(a) A serial killer.
(b) A drug trafficker.
(c) A gun smuggler.
(d) A slave trader.

7. What does Spenser reserve with his last phone call?
(a) A taxi.
(b) A train seat.
(c) A plane seat.
(d) A restaurant table.

8. What does Spenser say love is?
(a) Needy.
(b) The food of life.
(c) Self serving.
(d) Obsession.

9. Why does Joe say he tried to arrange to kill Spenser?
(a) He was ashamed of his son.
(b) He was bored.
(c) He wanted to test Spenser's skills.
(d) He wanted Browne to win the elections.

10. What does Broz want Spenser to do?
(a) Leave the country.
(b) Pay compensation for the two men he killed.
(c) Stop the investigation.
(d) Work for him.

11. Why is Spenser not sure if Broz is responsible for the blackmail case?
(a) It is in his interests to support Meade.
(b) It is too much work for such little gain.
(c) He is not that nasty.
(d) It is too subtle for him.

12. What do Susan and Spenser discuss while eating dinner?
(a) Having a child.
(b) Spenser's case.
(c) Their relationship.
(d) Susan's work.

13. Who does Spenser have to talk to instead of Quirk?
(a) Cosgrove.
(b) Hawk.
(c) Belson.
(d) Broz.

14. What does Spenser claim to be when visiting Gerry's clients?
(a) A government agent.
(b) A surveyor.
(c) A salesman.
(d) A policeman.

15. Where does Spenser drive Susan on Monday morning?
(a) To her parent's house.
(b) To her apartment.
(c) To work.
(d) To the train station.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Spenser say he marvels at at the end of the section?

2. Who is the only person in the case that leads Spenser to Joe Broz?

3. What does Browne ask Spenser to do?

4. What does Spenser show Cynthia?

5. Who do Spenser and Hawk arrange a meeting with in Chapter 32?

(see the answer keys)

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