The Wide Window Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wide Window Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the children have for dinner their first night in Josephine's house?
(a) Cold soup
(b) Pimento loaf
(c) Pizza
(d) Sandwitches

2. What is Sunny's greatest joy in life?
(a) Bitting hard objects
(b) Sleeping
(c) Looking at picture books
(d) Eat, sleep and poop

3. What is Violet thinking of inventing something for while they are standing on the dock?
(a) The Fickle Ferry
(b) Mr. Poe's car
(c) Violet's suitcase
(d) The president's bathroom

4. What does Violet suggest they use as a sample of Aunt Josephine's handwriting?
(a) Shopping list
(b) Her diary
(c) Her last letter to Ike
(d) Her grammar notes

5. Why does Josephine not meet the children on the dock?
(a) She is ill
(b) She didn't have a ride
(c) She had an appointment in town
(d) She is frightened of it

Short Answer Questions

1. What would happen to Klaus if he ate Mr. Poe's candy?

2. What does Aunt Josephine say that Captain Sham has planned for the children?

3. What does Klaus say they will do rather than live with Captain Sham?

4. What present does Klaus get from Aunt Josephine?

5. What is Violet sent off in search of?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the first meal that the Baudelaire children have in Chapter 2.

2. Describe the scene in Chapter 1 when Mr. Poe hands the children the bag of candies.

3. What does the letter say that the children find on the door from Aunt Josephine?

4. What does the narrator explain in Chapter 1 about the children and the adventure that they are about to have?

5. Describe the children and Aunt Josephine's trip to town in Chapter 3.

6. What is said between the children in the beginning of Chapter 5 when they have an argument?

7. How does Josephine describe what happened to Ike in Chapter 2?

8. What does Mr.Poe tell the children in Chapter 1 as he puts them in the taxi cab?

9. What does the narrator explain at the end of Chapter 5 in relation to the children crying?

10. Describe the way that Aunt Josephine shows the children around the house?

(see the answer keys)

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