The Wicked Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wicked Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How has Morgause's influence ruined Arthur's life?
(a) Mordred was born.
(b) She poisoned Merlin and robbed Arthur of his guidance.
(c) Made Arthur blood thirsty.
(d) Put sad thoughts in Arthur's had.

2. As Mordred hears his brothers say bad things about the king and queen, he realizes he is completely loyal to Arthur and ________.
(a) Wanted Guinevere dead.
(b) In love with Guinevere.
(c) Feared Guinevere.
(d) Angry with Guinevere.

3. What sends Gaheris into a rage?
(a) His own personal demons.
(b) He finds his mother and Lamorak in bed together.
(c) His mother's surroundings.
(d) Seeing Mordred follow him to his mother.

4. Why is Mordred excited about this proposition?
(a) Wants to please his father.
(b) He hates traveling.
(c) He wants to serve as king and spend more time with Guinevere.
(d) He is greedy for power.

5. What seems to be the author's purpose in this section?
(a) To clarify what really happened.
(b) To justify Mordred's action in taking over.
(c) Show Arthur as weak.
(d) Show Mordred as a traitor.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does war begin with Rome?

2. Who is against having the Orkney princes back to the Camelot castle?

3. What does Arthur refuse to discuss with his son, Mordred?

4. When do the Young Celts (the brothers) decide to attack Guinevere and Bedwyr?

5. How does Arthur feel about his son's possible betrayal?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Mordred travel to Merlin's home town?

2. When do the young Celts decide to attack their Queen and Bedwyr?

3. Who discovers Mordred and why does he insist that Mordred must come back to Camelot?

4. What is Mordred called by Arthur's army and why?

5. What news does a mail carrier bring at the beginning of Chapter 5?

6. Who has redeemed himself in Arthur's eye?

7. Why does Mordred promise Guinevere a place at his side?

8. Why does Arthur choose Mordred to accompany him on the trip to meet the Saxons?

9. What confusion occurs in Guinevere's bed chamber?

10. What causes confusion between all the characters during the last part of the book?

(see the answer keys)

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