The White Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Aravind Adiga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The White Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Aravind Adiga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who gives Balram the statement to sign in “The Fourth Night”?
(a) Mr. Ashok.
(b) Mukesh Sir.
(c) Ram Persad.
(d) Pinky Madam.

2. At what time does Balram sign off in his letter "The Second Night"?
(a) 12:56 a.m.
(b) 4:12 a.m.
(c) 2:44 a.m.
(d) 1:30 a.m.

3. What type of garland does Mr. Ashok present when the Great Socialist visits in “The Fourth Morning”?
(a) A garland of lilac flowers.
(b) A garland of apple blossom flowers.
(c) A garland of tulip flowers.
(d) A garland of jasmine flowers.

4. How long has it been since Balram has seen Kishan when he visits his hometown in "The Second Night"?
(a) 2 weeks.
(b) 2 months.
(c) 3 months.
(d) 6 months.

5. What is the name of the town where Balram grew up?
(a) New Delhi.
(b) Bangalore.
(c) Laxmangarh.
(d) Mumbai.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Cousin Pappu's wife?

2. What is the name of Mr. Ashok's ex-wife that is described in "The First Night"?

3. How many ring roads does Balram describe in Beijing in “The Fourth Night”?

4. How many gods does Balram say the Hindus have in "The First Night"?

5. What is the name of the English liquor store where Balram goes to get liquor for the Stork's family?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Balram remark about his chandeliers in "The Fourth Night"? Why is this significant?

2. How would you describe Balram's impressions of politics in India in "The Fourth Morning"?

3. What is significant about Balram's poetic allusions in "The Second Night"?

4. What internal conflicts does Balram face in the end of "The Fourth Night"?

5. What essential exposition is introduced by the author in "The First Night"?

6. What conflict occurs between Mr. Ashok and Pinky Madam on their return journey Dhanbad in "The Second Night"?

7. What does Mukesh Sir present to Balram when he arrives at the home of Mr. Ashok in "The Fourth Night"?

8. What is significant about the references to "Murder Weekly" in the novel?

9. How does Balram compare Mr. Ashok and Mukesh Sir in "The Second Night"?

10. What does Balram realize during his visit to his family in Laxmangarh in "The Second Night"?

(see the answer keys)

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