The White Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Aravind Adiga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The White Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Aravind Adiga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mukesh Sir depart Delhi in “The Fourth Night”?
(a) By limousine.
(b) By plane.
(c) By rickshaw.
(d) By train.

2. What skin disease does Balram describe a fellow driver suffering from in “The Fourth Night”?
(a) Eczema.
(b) Psoriasis.
(c) Vitiligo.
(d) Shingles.

3. From where does Balram describe buying his Macintosh laptop computer in "The First Night"?
(a) England.
(b) Israel.
(c) The United States.
(d) Singapore.

4. What product does the diseased driver's employer sell, according to Balram in “The Fourth Night”?
(a) Copper.
(b) Timber.
(c) Steel.
(d) Coal.

5. As Balram drives Pinky Madam and Mr. Ashok home in "The Second Night," Ashok claims that when he returned to India, he expected to stay for how long?
(a) 1 week.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 2 weeks.
(d) 2 months.

6. What caste does Balram claim to be when he is hired to work for the Stork's family?
(a) Shudra.
(b) Halwai.
(c) Vaishya.
(d) Brahmin.

7. What is the name of Balram's father?
(a) Wen Halwai.
(b) Dharam Halwai.
(c) Vikram Halwai.
(d) Mukesh Halwai.

8. What temple does Balram describe in New Delhi in "The Second Night"?
(a) The Birla Hundu Temple.
(b) The Sai Baba Temple.
(c) The Lakshmi Narayan Temple.
(d) The Hanuman Temple.

9. What is the name of the political party the four landlords have formed in “The Fourth Morning”?
(a) All India Social Progressive Front.
(b) All India Democratic Front.
(c) All India Republic Front.
(d) All India Communist Party Front.

10. How many ring roads does Balram describe in Beijing in “The Fourth Night”?
(a) 5.
(b) 9.
(c) 7.
(d) 12.

11. On what date does the statement say that the person was hit with the car in “The Fourth Night”?
(a) February 12.
(b) March 29.
(c) January 23.
(d) June 16.

12. What Hindu goddess does Balram describe in a white sari with gold sovereigns dripping to her feet in "The First Night"?
(a) Agni.
(b) Lakshmi.
(c) Soma.
(d) Indra.

13. How many criminal cases does Balram describe pending against the Great Socialist and his ministers in “The Fourth Morning”?
(a) 93.
(b) 35.
(c) 29.
(d) 12.

14. For how long does Mr. Ashok say Ram Bahandur has been with his family in "The Second Night"?
(a) For 30 years.
(b) For 5 years.
(c) For 50 years.
(d) For 10 years.

15. Who is the former bus conductor that has joined the political arena in “The Fourth Morning”?
(a) Dharam.
(b) Vijay.
(c) Kusum.
(d) Balram Halwai.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the Great Socialist's party's symbol?

2. Where do Ashok and Pinky Madam go to eat after their fight on her birthday in “The Fourth Night”?

3. What does Balram say the chandeliers in his home keep away in “The Fourth Night”?

4. Who are the master and mistress of the servant-god Hanuman?

5. Who wrote the poem about God and the Devil that Balram describes in "The Second Night"?

(see the answer keys)

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