The White Dragon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The White Dragon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Since there is to be no feast when Robinton arrives, who represents all the hundreds of craftsmen and masters who had produced Cove Hold?
(a) Master Wansor.
(b) Master Fandarel.
(c) Master Capiam.
(d) Master Andemon.

2. Who rides Luduth?
(a) Colina.
(b) Margatta.
(c) Rinata.
(d) Prilla.

3. Where does Sebell suggest the dragonriders take land to occupy in Southern?
(a) The eastern section.
(b) The northern section.
(c) The southern section.
(d) The western section.

4. How much older is T'kul than F'lar?
(a) Some 20 Turns.
(b) About 5 Turns.
(c) About 10 Turns.
(d) About 25 Turns.

5. Who copied every single Traditional song and ballad and bound them in blue wherhide for the Harper at Cove Hold?
(a) Dermently.
(b) Merelan.
(c) Morshall.
(d) Arnor.

6. How many fire-lizard eggs does Piemur direct Jaxom and Sharra to?
(a) 31 eggs.
(b) 18 eggs.
(c) 21 eggs.
(d) 15 eggs.

7. What is the name of Mirrim's dragon?
(a) Path.
(b) Golanth.
(c) Zaranth.
(d) Orlith.

8. How long has it been since Piemur has seen so many people as are at the cove working on Robinton's hall?
(a) A half a Turn ago.
(b) 3 Turns ago.
(c) 1 Turn ago.
(d) 2 Turns ago.

9. Who should have gotten Menolly's fire-lizard Poll?
(a) Lord Groghe's child.
(b) Lady Aramina.
(c) Lord Sangel's child.
(d) Lord Groghe.

10. What memory causes excitement for the fire-lizards at Southern?
(a) A man and his dragon.
(b) Buildings.
(c) Men.
(d) Ships.

11. How many days was Jaxom sick with a fever?
(a) 3 weeks.
(b) 10 days.
(c) 4 weeks.
(d) 16 days.

12. Who rides the youngest queen at Fort?
(a) Kylara.
(b) Prilla.
(c) Cosira.
(d) Celina.

13. The first work day to build the cove is spent chopping trees; by midday how many trees are cut?
(a) 8.
(b) 6.
(c) 10.
(d) 5.

14. How many days has it taken Piemur to travel from Toric's hold to the cove where Jaxom is staying?
(a) Two sevendays.
(b) Three sevendays.
(c) Four sevendays.
(d) Five sevendays.

15. In Chapter 15, how much longer does Jaxom have to wait before flying again?
(a) 4-6 sevendays.
(b) 7-9 sevendays.
(c) 2 sevendays.
(d) 3-5 sevendays.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long has Thread been falling at the cove on Southern?

2. What color is the roof of Cove Hold?

3. Why was Piemur sent to survey Pern rather than staying in the Harper hall?

4. How long do Jaxom and Ruth fight Thread their first time?

5. Who takes Robinton to Ista at the beginning of Chapter 14?

(see the answer keys)

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