The White Boy Shuffle Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul Beatty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The White Boy Shuffle Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul Beatty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gunnar's mother lend him following the wedding?
(a) Her car.
(b) Her bedroom.
(c) Her charge card.
(d) Her pass to Disneyland.

2. Where do Gunnar and Yoshiko tell people she will deliver their baby?
(a) In Reynier Park.
(b) In Hillside Park.
(c) At the Hillside hospital.
(d) At the police station.

3. What does Gunnar say most people are not ready to do?
(a) Die for an idea.
(b) Graduate from college.
(c) Take on the government.
(d) Speak the truth.

4. For what do colleges woo Gunnar?
(a) His athletic and academic abilitites.
(b) To boost minority levels at the colleges.
(c) Being captain of the debate team.
(d) Playing basketball.

5. What does Gunnar do when the introductory speaker is talking?
(a) Openly shows his contempt.
(b) Falls asleep.
(c) Supports him with clapping.
(d) Raises a political sign in the air.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who arranges a marriage for Gunnar?

2. Who arrives at Gunnar's house while the writing class is there?

3. Where does Gunnar meet the recruiter from Boston University?

4. What does Nick see as the problem with the Boston fire trucks?

5. What does Gunnar's mother force him to do during his free time?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Gunnar decide is the best approach to speaking and what does he talk about?

2. What does Gunnar see when they finally get out of practice in Chapter Seven and how does he learn what is happening?

3. What does Gunnar's creative writing class want him to do?

4. Who comes to talk to Gunnar about his speech the next day and what do they ask him about?

5. Where is Gunnar's wedding reception and where does he go for a honeymoon?

6. What does Coach Shimimoto do and say when he keeps the team longer at practice in Chapter Seven?

7. What does Gunnar's coach tell him about Nick and what does the coach have for him? What does Gunnar do?

8. What subject does Nick bring up to Gunnar and what does Nick ask Gunnar?

9. What happens when Gunnar leaves his creative writing class in Chapter Ten when Gunnar is going home?

10. Where does Gunnar find refuge in his new school, how does he get his assignments and why has he been brought to that school?

(see the answer keys)

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