The White Boy Shuffle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Paul Beatty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The White Boy Shuffle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Paul Beatty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the neighborhood to which Gunnar and his family have moved?
(a) Hillside.
(b) Las Casa.
(c) Riverview.
(d) Woodbridge.

2. What does Gunnar tell the officers when they ask whether he is involved in any gangs?
(a) He asks what a gang is.
(b) He says he quit last week.
(c) He says he's in the Crispy Critters.
(d) He's in the Gang of Four.

3. Who does Gunnar tell the police his Gang of Four plan to fight in a week?
(a) The Bowery Boys.
(b) The Gun Totin' Hooligans.
(c) Hell's Inmates.
(d) The Hollywood Six Guns.

4. For what is Eileen known in school?
(a) Being a brain.
(b) Getting Gunnar in trouble.
(c) Wearing funny clothes.
(d) Being the fastest girl runner.

5. Where does Wolfgang move after he is fired?
(a) New York.
(b) Chicago.
(c) St. Louis.
(d) Pittsburgh.

Short Answer Questions

1. What inspires Swen to create a new dance?

2. What does Gunnar do in the store?

3. What is the neighborhood at the top of the hill from Gunnar's neighborhood?

4. With whom did Gunnar play in Santa Monica?

5. What does Gunnar ask his mother to get him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Gunnar recall about living in Santa Monica in Chapter 2 and why does he join the Cub Scouts? How does the Scouts work out for him?

2. Who is Eileen Litmus, for what is she known at school and how does she affect Gunnar's life at school?

3. What does Nick do to handle some of the attention directed at him and how does that affect Gunnar?

4. How do Gunnar and his sisters get along with the other children in the neighborhood?

5. What is Swen Kaufman's life story, according to Gunnar's mother?

6. What does Gunnar say his ancestors were like and what is his family situation in Chapter 1? Where does his mother work and what does she tell the children?

7. What happens when Gunnar meets Nick and some of Nick's friends for lunch?

8. With whom has Gunnar become friends in the three years in his new neighborhood and why can he walk unafraid there? What is one of the disadvantages of one of his friends?

9. Why did Rolf go to a white high school and what happens to him in Vietnam?

10. What happens when Gunnar is pushing his sister Nicole on the swing?

(see the answer keys)

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